Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Gas Man

Anyone have any tips for calming gassy infants? We're using the Mylicon drops which help him burp better, but little man is still in pain a good bit of the time. It breaks his mommy's heart! Someone else told us about sleeping tummy to tummy with him--that the warmth will help.

Any other magic cures out there?

Gas Man's Mom


  1. I am a NICU nurse...babies with hurting tummies love a warm blanket laid on their belly and then swaddle him really tight, just put the blankets in the dryer on the high setting for a few minutes..keep giving the mylicon drops with every feeding before you feed him, hope this helps

  2. well, I know for a fact you can not overdose them on gas drops! We would get his legs and get him to "ride a bicycle". the motion and "pushing" on his little tummy made our Drew poot every time! I hope this helps. Oh yeah I liked the Little Tummy's brand better than mylicon.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.