Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,

We sure did miss you today! Mom did her best to keep me happy even though I ran fever this morning and was uber cranky. Today I...

1) Chewed on anything I could get my hands on. Lots of slobber ensued.

2) Contemplated the meaning of "no." I later tested the boundaries.

3) Laughed a lot.

4) Stood up on my own a LOT.

5) ...a whole lot! Mom was so proud. I was about to break out a cheer here in this picture...

6) But I fell down!

7) I managed to make a huge mess, but what's new?!

8) I got caught red handed trying to be just like you with all your cords! Whoops!

9)Mommy was tired of telling me "no," and was getting frustrated, so I shot her my signature look she couldn't resist!

10) And she let me off the hook! ;) Ha ha ha!

We miss & love you more than you'll know!

1 comment:

  1. Daddy loves and misses you both so much! I will be back soon!!!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.