Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here Comes Peter Cottontail...

What a wonderful Easter! Even though the weather didn't cooperate for egg hunting and pictures outside, we managed to snap a few to capture our day.

Drew looked absolutely adorable this morning for church. I ironed his clothes on Saturday night and waited until the last minute to have him dressed and walk out the door. I snatched Drew's bib off for a quick 30 second photo op before literally running to the truck to drive to church. (Do you see where this is headed?) My son then proceeded to spit up oatmeal and milk all over that ironed outfit...and his daddy's beautifully pressed shirt and tie. In frustration, I tossed (er...threw) my camera into the recliner and threw my hands in the air. Then I started to laugh. This is what it's about! So I grabbed the bib I had just removed from Drew's neck moments before and proceeded to wipe everyone off. We then took pictures...milk stains and all!

Drew sat in church until the sermon began. He's not loud in church, per say, but he is definitely a distraction. He's NOT one of those babies who sits quietly and looks at the same book for 30 minutes...not even 30 seconds. He wants to jump and climb and bounce and crawl everywhere. So he and I headed to the nursery at sermon time to allow the other people around us to pay attention. We saw our buddy Aiden afterwards who's only 3 weeks older than Drew. SUCH a cutie!

Apparently, the Easter bunny left gifts at other family members' houses last night. He got money, a swimming pool, beach ball, swimming goggles (for all those underwater adventures), bib & burp cloth, superman pajamas, bath balls, and a see n' say. Can we say spoiled? Yes!

Hope your Easter was filled with remembering the one who saves us all no matter how "big" the sin!


  1. Yeah girl its crazy. It was pretty much like Christmas for my kids today too. He looks adorable.

  2. So cute! He's such a happy baby! And yes, we've had our share of spitting up/blowing out to ruin outfits right before we needed to walk out the door.

  3. Love the outfit! He is so adorable!! Juliet spit up all over her dress too...RIGHT after we put it on...


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.