Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Way Back WHENsday

Back around 2004 or so we met the most awesome married couple, The Greshams, who also attended the UCSC at MS State University. Andrew & I have learned since then that such great, God fearing friends like these two don't come around every day. Even though they live in Alabama and we are here in MS, each time we talk or see each other, we catch up right where we left off! Since we last visited in person, we have each added a member to our families!

Such great memories were had with these two:

- Camping in Georgia during a THUNDERSTORM! The unexperienced Laney campers had just happened to bring a tent which had a hole in it. Since we were on an air mattress, and Andrew weighed more than I did the water went straight to his side, nearing drowning him in side sleep. I, on the other hand, was "high and dry." I woke up to Andrew literally in a puddle of water, scooping the water off the mattress with his hands. I rolled over and went back to sleep! Hilary and I were so proud of the fire we made...even though it wasn't that cold! Justin cooked a MEAN campside breakfast the next morning! YUM! We spent a day with Hilary's gracious parents apple picking. People, you haven't had an apple til you've had an apple from Georgia! YUM!

-Making chocolate chip cookies with Hilary! And what's freshly baked cookies without a game of hand and foot or monte carlo? We had our weekly (at least) game nights, and enjoyed these so much. They're still some of our favorite memories.

Clearly, I had too many chocolate chip cookies. This was right before Weight Watchers!
-What about the flood at the 'dale? Hurricane Ivan swept through, leaving our parking lot under water. What were Andrew and Justin to do but have fun? Boys will be boys. ;)

That's Justin in the canoe!

-The Alabama trip! We had a blast thanks to Hilary's great hotel deal! It was our last trip as a family before Drew was born. We of course had cookies at the hotel (Hilary even put cookie dough in a cooler and brought it for Andrew!) and played cards. Justin & Andrew (those crazy boys) jumped from pool to hot tub in the near freezing cold!

-The St. Louis trip! The arch, Six Flags, Cardinals Game, the History museum, floral gardens, etc. Even though we had to tie down our gear in the back of a truck with a tarp, we had a grand time!

-Justin's graduation!

This list could continue on for a mile! Justin and Hilary, we are so thankful for people like you! God has truly, TRULY blessed us with your friendship!

1 comment:

  1. awwww.......miss you so much! our list of fun stuff is so long! I love it!! Now I can't wait for our kiddos to meet. So crazy what can happen in ONE year! Surprise for us both ;) Y'all are the best ever!! I think the pic at the football game was our first "friend" pic. lol.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.