Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy 28th Birthday, Andrew!!!

The most wonderful man I know, hands down, was born 28 years ago today. He has grown into such an amazing, Christian man. He's considerate, romantic, patient, thoughtful, honest, loving, forgiving, humble, a hard worker, a gentleman, and the best hands-on dad. I can't really remember my life without him and I never wanna know what that might feel like. I told him he has to let me die one day before he does so I never have to know what it's like not to be together. Truly, he's my Godsend, my soulmate, my better half. How many other husbands thank God in their prayers aloud for their wives every single day? God surely blessed me and allowed me to "marry up" when he gave me Andrew!!

What country boy doesn't love guns?!

Have I mentioned he's funny?

And quite the looker!

He's got a thing for water. I've got a thing for sand.

He's also got a thing for the outdoors...and the animals/fish therein...

He's curious. You know what they say about curiosity...

He's creative and works with what he's got! His computer desk in college. I'm married to a nerd!

Loves his mama!

Loves to grill....and even wears the apron I made him so my feelings don't get hurt. Now THAT'S a man.

And he's crazy about his son. And that makes me crazy about him!

I love you, Andrew. Happy birthday to my BEST friend!!!


  1. Great post! Kelly always tells me that we have to die together - I'm not always sure what to think about that! But I know what she means!

    Happy Birthday Andrew!

  2. Happy Birthday, Andrew! :) We love you!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.