Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Andrew!

(hit play...keep reading!)

Honestly? 5 years? How did this happen? We're half way to being married for a decade. That doesn't seem possible! It seems like yesterday I was getting butterflies in my stomach before walking down the aisle and seeing your calming smile. I knew the rest of my life was about to be an incredible journey with an amazing man. How right I was! "And I thought I loved you then."

And now I see you with Drew and my heart skips beats. One day I'll say, "I just thought I loved you then." My love for you is astronomical!

What have I learned about you in the past year?
1. You like to use a loofah--I never would have thought it.
2. Five years of marriage and you still don't know where the laundry basketS are.
3. Cords all over the floor don't bother you.
4. Dishes all over the kitchen do.
5. You prefer my cooked meals over fast food. Impressive!
6. You like super squishy pillows and super soft mattresses.
7. If you have no other choice, you WILL stomach Hamburger Helper.
8. You enjoy shopping less now than you did last year.
9. You are an a-mazing dad.
10. You are forgiving-more than I knew.
11. You try hard to mend broken relationships.
12. Your driving is much safer than it used to be.
13. You have endurance--even with a child who has been crying for a long time.
14. You still think I'm beautiful, post baby.
15. I think your left hand middle finger is attractive. I'm weird. Do they make finger lingerie?
16. I've always known you were a dedicated worker. I found out just how much this past year. You work so hard for our family.
17. You're not a planner. Did I just figure this out? Yeah.
18. You don't like Dell computers. I'd always thought you preferred them!
19. You like silly comedy that I think is not anywhere close to funny.
20. I love you more now than ever.

You are one amazing man, Andrew Laney. You never cease to make me wonder how in the world I got you. You treat me like a queen. You love our little boy like none other. You constantly find ways to do little things to make my day--letting me sleep in, laying out my pajamas at night, getting my toothbrush and toothpaste ready while I put Drew down, kissing my forehead before I fall asleep. It's the little things--and they mean so much. You give me so much of my self esteem. You make me wanna be a better wife, mom, and homemaker. You bring out the best in me, and I'm so blessed and thankful that God gave us each other. You are patient, slow to anger, and always try to see the best in people. I love that about you. I appreciate the Christian man that you are, for working hard for our family. Everyone should be in as happy a marriage as we are. I could not ask for a better husband. Here's to 60 more years!!


  1. Sweet posts! Your hair is cute!!

  2. Thanks, Shannon. I cried over it for a day b/c it was SO drastic for me. Now I've learned that less time to wash and less time to dry leave more time for myself! Ah! Yes!

  3. Congratulations! And I hope yall had a happy Anniversary. Love yall.

  4. congrats on 5 years together!! how fun. isn't marriage amazing? i feel so blessed in it. hope ya'll got to have a fun day together!!

    p.s. jon & kate just bothered me so much i had to post about it!! silly, i know. but i did!!

  5. So sweet :) Congratulations on 5 years!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.