Monday, June 22, 2009

Best Qualities in a Man

I was thinking last night about why I love my husband so much. There are tons of reasons I wanna list, but I started wondering, "What do other women find so attractive in their husbands/fiances/boyfriends?" Is it his patience? His love of children? His manly arms?! Come on. Brag on your man.

I'm eager to see what we women REALLY look for in a man. At 60 visits a day, there are a lot of lurkers out there. COME OUT AND VISIT! I don't bite. Not hard at least. ;)


  1. I don't know what I would do without Josh. He is my partner for life. Probably the best thing about him is his humor. We really never get into arguments because he always knows how to make me laugh and I forget why I was upset in the first place. He always keeps me laughing. I love being around him because his energy is so contagious. He is so darn witty, too! There are so many qualities in him that I admire and it would take pages to list them all. I thank God every day for answering my prayers and sending me a man who is exactly what I need in my life. I love him so much!

  2. my hubby is so generous. he is always giving in so many ways. he gives of himself, his time & his money. i love the way that he loves too. he loves me & our son so much! he has a great sense of humor, he is such a rock for me & others in good and bad times. he is so faithful & incredibly loyal. he has a servant's heart. he's super sweet & and has such a constant positive attitude. on more physical note: i love his broad shoulders & his hands! he's a cutie pie!

  3. I'm gonna go with sense of humor too. Ian cracks me up! :-)

  4. @Amanda & Leah--I know what you mean about the humor thing. I'll be mad at Andrew and he'll jokingly say, "Just hit me. You wanna just hit me?" And it cracks me up and I start laughing and say, "Don't make me laugh! I'm mad!" And it ends there. :) Or he makes corny jokes that probably only I would think is funny.

    @Audrey-a servants heart and a positive attitude--two of my favorite qualities in anyone!

  5. Obviously, sense of humor! My FRIENDSHIP with Judd is so wonderful, too. I literally love hanging out with him - no matter what we're doing! I have to say though, seeing how excited he is about Caroline and how lights up when we talk about her makes me love him even more. The manly arms don't hurt either. ;)

  6. Make that - "how HE lights up..." Can I blame that on pregnancy?

  7. I just recently wrote Bryan a note
    the ten things I hate about you like in the movie. I love when he touches me even if it is just him brushing up against me in the kitchen. I love when he write notes to me and he like to buy me little things. When I was pregnant with out middle child, I was decorating her room in care bears and it got a little out of hand. I got upset about not finding everything and he went in the gas station and bought me a care bear lollipop. short story, he is so thoughtful. I love that he cooks, cleans, and care about everyone.

  8. From my mom:

    Well, marriage has many stages and in those stages, women look for different qualities. I have been married to your dad for 26 years. In the beginning, I wanted every woman to be jealous of me, so it was mostly looks and chrisma. When you girls came along, I wanted support and help to make the right decisions, to love me even when I was wrong, to back me up when I had to be tough, and to prove to you girls that he was a loving, chrisitian, who settled for no less than your best. Now, I look for comfort, to still catch his eye, and to know that he is always there for me, no matter what. I need him to take care of me and to allow me to take care of him. I want a kind word when I'm at my worst and a strong arm when I need to cry. Believe it or not, he is all of those wrapped up into one......

    From Mrs. Becky:

    Audra, from someone who's been married for over 36 years now, I can tell you the things most important to me are honesty and dependability. I depend on Bill to be there for me when I need him and to always tell me the truth. Lies can shake the ground out from under you and crumble the best marriages. I've seen it happen.
    Such wise words from wise women. Brought tears to my eyes!

  9. Luke is the most selfless person I know. That shapes everything else about him! It affects the way he treats me and Kate, and everyone else around us.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.