Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Photo Overload!!

*dum dum dum Ha-lle-lu-jah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!*

I have my computer back! Well, it was never really gone, just unplugged into 500 pieces. Since we no longer have a home office (instead, Drew has a nursery), the computer has had no permanant home. It was first set up in our bedroom on a desk which was far too big, then moved to the dining room (Drew + cords = much trouble), and now it's back in our room on a smaller desk. Mama is happy because she can access all her pictures again and close the door to keep little hands away from cords.

So you know I'm gonna have LOTS of pictures to post. I'll try and give a brief recap of what's been going on. And I mean brief cause Drew is down for a nap and I need to shower, get ready, and eat lunch. Especially eat lunch. (In retrospect, it's stupid that you can only upload FIVE pictures at a time on blogger. Come on. Catch up with facebook!) On with the show...

Andrew's mom came to visit, and we all went out to eat at Applebees. Drew ate an entire order of mashed potatoes (delish) by himself. We were proud, and so he clapped for himself. :)

Andrew let Drew test out his driving skills since he's doing so well walking.

But Drew decided the wheel made a better chew toy than anything else.

That night Drew tried watermelon for the first time...

...and wasn't sure what to think. In the end, I think he approved.

We headed out to the park for a few minutes that night, and I got the pictures of Drew with Ms. Debbie's camera. Get ready because I loved them all (even though he was dressed in raggedy clothes) I'm posting them all. You'd think I'd be able to narrow it down, but you thought wrong. They're all different to me.

See...a little "confused" look here.

Laughing now...with a clover on his left leg.

Laughing with a clover on his leg...and Daddy's hand with his clover.

Smiling with two clovers on his leg. "Daddy, you left your clover."

Horizontal shot with Daddy and his clover. See--all different!

*Turn head to the right. Sorry* Then he slide down the big kid slide with Daddy--and loved it...almost as much as Daddy did. Daddy also wishes that I tell you all that he promises he's getting some sun on his legs.

We played on the swings and Drew had a GRAND time.

We told Drew it was time to head home to get ready for bed. He said "Thanks, but no thanks," and took off.

After the Sunday afternoon nap, Drew got to head to his kiddy pools for the first time. To say he was a fan would be an understatement.

Rockin' his swim trunks...and sleepy eyes.

Mommy is showing Drew all the cool spouts.

But he didn't want it to squirt him in the face, so he covered it up.

We changed over to the bigger pool, and Drew found a new love for the water hose.

More to post, but it'll have to wait. I know one little boy who needs a nap!

1 comment:

  1. Mom's here this week and she was talking about how cute Drew was in the water...I didn't know what she was talking about. I couldn't believe I missed a post! So here I am checking it out. All the pics are so cute. I'm glad he likes the water. btw, your hair looks great!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.