Wednesday, July 15, 2009

12 Month Check Up

22 lbs, 4 oz (40-50 percentile)
30 1/2 inches long (75 percentile)

Drew was incredibly cranky at the doctor's office yesterday. His morning nap was only about 75 minutes. I think he remembered his Daddy was home and wanted up to play. Either way, he was ready for his 2nd nap right about the time we got to the doctor's office. The bag was packed with new toys, but all he wanted was to go to sleep! I whipped out the camera for the sake of my tradition of taking a picture at each milestone doctor visit.

(This is what most of my pictures turned out looking like.)

2 shots and 30 seconds of crying later...and we're all good!


  1. Brooke-Lynn's four year old shots went well but they are wanting to do a fasting glucose test. I hope it is good because I can't see having to poke her for testing or medication.

  2. Glad the shots went well! Why are they doing a fasting glucose on her?

  3. here is the link to my lamp shade re-do & my friend makes the letters for front doors, you can pick your colors and i think she charges $40. if you ever want to order one let me know.

  4. Bryan is diabetic and we are always keeping tabs on the girls blood sugar. This was Brooke-Lynn's first time going to this doctor and they did a finger prick with a resulting reading of 128. Bryan begin to explain that she had jus eaten a large breakfast, so they asked to do the fasting test which thank God turn out normal.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.