Monday, July 20, 2009

A Change of Mind

Andrew and I finally decided to do it. We were gonna let Drew spend the night with my parents this Friday night. He's never been without either of us overnight; as I thought about the situation this past weekend, as much as I looked forward to spending quality time with Andrew, I couldn't help but worry.

Will he miss me? Will he wonder where I went? Will he think I left him? Will he be scared at night? Will he have trouble going to sleep without me? Will he take a sippy with milk okay?

All those questions plus more left me worried about the entire ordeal. Later that night, we all went out to eat with my parents, sister, and brother in law. As I stared at Drew in all of his cuteness, the worry of leaving him overnight came to mind.

Then he threw his toys on the floor repeatedly. I had to take him outside while we waited for food. He was fussy. He got potatoes all in his hair. I don't even remember what my fillet tasted like. My potato was cold when I finally ate it.

And just like that, my mind changed. Tough love, baby cakes! Mommy and Daddy are having a night to themselves!!

Here's to dinner without a highchair, remembering what the food tasted like, a late night movie, ice cream after 10pm, and, lest we forget, SLEEPING IN on Saturday! (I'm trying to throw a visit to the mall in there, but don't tell Andrew!) ;)


  1. sounds fabulous!!
    we just kept my 2yo niece while her parents went on vacation and when she left i thought, wow this is what quiet sounds like and that's only after 4 days...

    its only preparing me for days to come. :)

  2. I am glad you changed your mind!! Every couple needs some alone time now & then & trust me it gets harder when you have to figure out what to do with 3 of them!! Enjoy your time just for you & Andrew!! Even if Drew has a hard time he will survive & be well taken care of by your parents!! He will learn that mommy & daddy always come back & that is an important lesson in itself!! I hope you have a great time away!!

  3. good for you!!!! you need it. my mom has offered to keep jack overnight several times. i haven't taken her up on it yet, only b/c of my own silly fears! i'm hoping to get over that soon! have ya'll gone on your trip yet?

  4. I left Eli overnight for the first time when he was 4 months old and I worried just like you. I was proud of myself for only calling twice that night to check on him. He did great while we were gone and Mommy and Daddy LOVED being able to sleep in. I hope you and Andrew enjoyed having some couple time :) I know Drew probably had a wonderful time with the grandparents.

  5. We haven't let Eleanor sleep over anywhere yet either and the grandparents have all offered. Sleeping in sounds wonderful!Perhaps your courage will help me! Have a great time!

  6. our anniversary (june 26), we let the girls all three spend the night at grandma house. I worried about breanna taking the bottle and waking up throughout the night to nurse but she had a ball hanging out with bryan's mom, aunt and cousins. I am thinking about doing it again before school starts back.

  7. Good for you! You know he's in good hands!

  8. It will be the best thing you can do for your marriage and for you. Seriously! He will do great and in several months, it will seem crazy that you were worried. Enjoy!

  9. sounds good! I'm ready for a full nights sleep. Last night Juliet slept through, but I woke up to check on her. I'd like some worry free sleep!

  10. Thanks, guys! I'll let you know how it goes!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.