Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Parental Example

Happy Anniversary to my parents! Today marks 26 years they've been married! I think even as we as children merge into adulthood, we still look to our parents for an example. I'm not sure that desire for a parental example will ever dissipate. What an example they have set. I'm so thankful my parents are together through sickness and in health, when times are easy and when times are hard, when they are over the top for one another, and even on days when they probably don't want to like the other!

My parents promised me when I was very young they would never get a divorce. They may not even remember that, but I still cling to that promise amidst this world with such a high divorce rate. I know they love each other and they love the Lord, so they cling tight when times are tough!

Happy anniversary, Mom & Dad! Thanks for setting the example so well. Andrew, Drew, and I love and appreciate you both for all you do and are.

Here's to 26 more fabulous years (at least!)


  1. They are great together. Happy Anniversary to them!

  2. First- Congrats to your parents! Second- if tonight is the big Friday night out, I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy your sweet hubby! You have given Drew such security throughout this first year that he will do great! Third- you crack me up with your Christmas spirit. Finally- Drew's party was too cute! Way to go momma! Sorry... had a lot of posts to catch up on. Haha!

  3. I strive to have that same kind of committment and we all need great examples like them to change the rate of divorce in america.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.