Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Random Update

(click play!)

This is the, "Mommy, QUIT TAKING MY PICTURE!" look.

Drew LOVES his daddy, and soaks up the attention when Daddy is home on Saturdays. When Daddy went out to cut the grass Saturday morning, Drew had a conniption fit! He was just screaming at the back door, banging on the windows as he watched Andrew ride up and down the backyard. Against my better judgement, I let him ride for a few minutes. Andrew was on turtle speed, so don't worry. ;) He did great! But whew--he smelled like a BOY when he got back inside! Straight to the tub we went...

Drew is in the LONG process of molar cutting. It started last week, and I was informed today it can last a month! He's drooling EVERYWHERE again. We go through several outfits a day since he refuses to wear a bib. Also, I'm guessing his gums hurt too badly to chew, because in the last few days, he's stopped chewing his food and attempting to swallow it whole! Not good! While I was eating with Heather today at Abbay's, I thought I was going to have to do the Heimlech on him (not kidding) because he swallowed 2 pieces of macaroni whole! Then he just sat there with his mouth open, unable to make any noise, and choking! Thankfully, he coughed it up. Anyone else had this problem? It's driving me to tears! My usually happy baby is fussy and whiny 80% of the day!

Hurry up, teeth! I need my smiling, happy boy back!


  1. I think I am right there with you, although a little sooner than yours. My little Peanut (11 months) is drooling like crazy and she is normally really happy too but has been a FUSS Budget! Hang in there...

  2. Hi Audra...was reading the comments on Kelly's Corner most recent opst and your stick out to me...not sure how to email you so I am posting here! You mentioned not having any other SAHM in your large church who were your age...not sure of your age, but I personally have found I have the most in common with moms who are older than my 34 years...mos of them either started their family later or had a "bonus" baby! Also wanted to mention that you go to www.mops.org and put in your zip to search for a group near you. I have been a part of a MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) group that meets at my church since my DD was born in 2003. I would love to hear from you sometime!

  3. Hi Again! I thought the same thing when I was preg with Miss M but a sweet friend filled me in! MOPS is for mothers of children BIRTH through the completion of kindergarten. Miss M was a mere 9 weeks old at her first MOPS meeting. (I should know, since I have been on the leadership team of our group since 2004 and I still am!) I really have a heart for MOPS and can't say enough about the organization...let me know if you try it out!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.