Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back to Life...

I've gotten so caught up lately in so many random things (2 television shows-Heroes & House, sewing, cleaning, cooking, giving flu shots, and....uh, facebook) that I've slacked on my blog. Not that it's upset you any, but I'm feelin' out of the groove. So what's goin' on around here?

Well, I'm one of those people who has no problem putting a TON of stuff on her life's plate. Recently I volunteered to help coordinate all the children's activities at church; our first event is Trunk or Treat on October 28th. Naturally, I want it to be the best ever so I'm putting lots of thought into that. That's no sweat off my back though cause I looooove planning an event. I'm doing couponing not only for our family now, but also for the food pantry at church. That means large stacks of coupons in my house. There is talk of starting up a new Sunday morning class I'm really excited about and possibly getting together with local moms and kiddos. Wow! A full plate at once! Oh and I'm still into this sewing thing. I've saved my flu shot money to hopefully purchase my machine next week! Woo hoo! So far I've only sewn burp cloths and 3 pair of pants. I'm nowhere near Hilary or Daphne yet!

(Sorry it's crooked)

Gonna get the shirt monogrammed. No, I didn't make the shirt. Wal Mart did.

Andrew is engrossed in his new job (which he LOVES) and Mafia Wars. Yes, Mafia Wars. He's working the sound room at church and still fixes random computers on the side. Somehow his paragraph is much shorter than my "about me" section, yet he's busier than I am. It's probably all the Mafia Wars. (Just kidding, honey.)

And Drew? Well besides retaining the title of cutest baby in the world, he's being a pure, adorable mess. Into EVERYTHING. Minding better. Eating terribly (unless it's bread). Hating nursery class. Into anything with a cord still.

Loving his mommy.

Loving water.

Playing peekaboo.

Andrew and I are going on a much needed date night tonight while my parents watch Drew. Then we *might* be heading out to the MidSouth Fair on Saturday with friends. Fun times!!!

On a totally random note, I heard this song today, Give Me Your Eyes, while driving and thought, "What if this were everyone's prayer? How much differently would we treat one another?" Here are the lyrics:

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see

Look at the world through His eyes this week!


  1. 1. i've missed your blogging!!
    2. how fun that you are coordinating the kids events at your church. thats great!!! we did a trunk or treat last year. i'll try to ask around for ideas for you.
    3. you've really gotten good at couponing!! way to go, stocking that food pantry. i really need to get better on my coupon work!
    4. LOVE your sewing stuff! super cute. i would love to be able to sew. there's so much i want to make. maybe one day i can save up too.
    5. have fun on your date night. we get a little bit of a date day tomorrow. we have our ultrasound, we're getting lunch & then flu shots! how exciting!
    6. drew is super cute!
    7. we really need to plan that play date soon!

  2. To begin with, you and I are twinkies living in two different states...I have the exact same sling that Drew is in and I have to put Eli in it when I vacuum or else he is scared to death. Secondly, I, too, love to heap things onto my "life's plate". Third, I'm the chairperson of our Children's Activities committee at church, so I get to organize and plan our Trunk or Treat at our church. This will be my 2nd year to do that. If you get any creative ideas about that, PLEASE share! We pretty much know how to run ours, but I always welcome new tips and suggestions! Lastly, your pajamas look so cute! Way to go :)

  3. Audrey-I'm glad someone missed it! LOL. Thanks for checking for trunk or treat ideas. I'm open to anything! I was thinking about our playdate today. I ended up working Wednesday and a lot of today so it took up all my time. Totally my fault. I'm sorry! Excited about your big u/s tomorrow!!!

    Amanda--I thought about you yesterday! I was giving shots at a school and a teacher was walking to her car in front of me and for a split second, I thought it was you! In my next life, I wanna be a teacher. I think I'd love it! Oh and I think I'd love YOU in real life if we ever finally met! Can't believe we have THAT much in common! We will need to share trunk or treat ideas!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.