Friday, October 2, 2009

A 'Fairy' Good Time!

A neighbor down the street wandered into our driveway this evening and offered us free fair tickets for tonight. We were reluctant to go since it was already 6:30pm and Drew normally goes to bed around 8:30pm. In a moment of spontaneity, we said yes, scarfed down our food, and headed to the fair.

(Woo hoo! My mom and dad are casting aside all common sense and taking me to the fair!)

We spent the first hour in the car waiting in line for a parking spot, entertaining Drew with such child safe toys such as "lighter" cell phone chargers. We didn't opt to ride rides since it would cost $5/ride with Drew. And with slushy prices at $7, we forewent that too. However, the petting zoo, lights of the rides, and the rodeo were big hits with Drew! He actually sat still for an entire hour at the rodeo until it ended--first. time. ever. He loved to clap and watch the bulls and horses. It was amazing how entertained he was. Guess I need to start renting PBR for home.

"Givin' Daddy a little lovin'."

See his cute shirt I appliqued?!

Llama: What kid? You've never seen a llama before?

This may have been his favorite part of the night. Not so much riding on Andrew's shoulders, but playing (er, drooling) in Andrew's hair.

We met up with the Vergara's at the fair. Our little boys are only 3 weeks apart! I admired them since they'd been there for hours and their child was still enthralled with the commotion.

Sweet Aiden was trying to touch the lit up ride!

The Budweiser Clydesdale horses did a little performance mid-rodeo. They were amazing, beautiful creatures!

So we're really glad we went against all common sense 'cause we ended up having a blast! Good times, good times! Now let's hope Drew sleeps in in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! It's good to be wild and crazy every now and then. :)


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.