Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holiday Traditions

One of the greatest parts of the holidays for our family is repeating and carrying on traditions. We're always looking to expand our tradition list, so feel free to share your traditions or link to your blog in the comment section to explain your traditions! Check out Kelly's Korner for more great links to traditions!

-Christmas pajamas: Everyone in the family gets a pair of Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve to wear to bed that night.

-Stockings are opened first on Christmas morning, followed by presents. Kids will open gifts all at the same time, but adults go one by one to make the gift opening time last longer.

-Sausage balls on Christmas morning are a must.

-We have a tradition of eating a non-traditional dinner on Christmas Eve: fried fish. Strange? Yes. Delicious? You bet.

-Must watch movies consist of A Christmas Story and The Santa Clause.

Andrew and I want to incorporate more traditions centered around Jesus into our yearly routines. We want to read the Christmas story on the night before Christmas and possibly start a yearly tradition of seeing the Singing Christmas Tree in Memphis when the kids get older.

Elf on a Shelf is another tradition we plan on starting next year once Drew can understand more of what/who the elf is!

I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas! The Christmas spirit is in full swing at our home! Decor pictures to come soon!


  1. Hey Audra--good ideas. I just posted my traditions, so you might find some of those interesting.

    I saw an idea somewhere about a family that baked a small cake and let the kids decorate it (if old enough)to think about the true meaning of Christmas: celebrating Jesus' birth. They would also sing Happy Birthday. I was thinking of doing this on Christmas day with Jackson.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just an observation. You said "when the kids get older". Is there a hidden meaning in that or just a thought of the future.

  4. Anon--LOL! Good eye! Just a thought of the future. Definitely not expecting right now! ;)

  5. Neat traditions!! One my family had was my sister and I opened one present on Christmas Eve that Mom picked out.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.