Monday, January 11, 2010

Do You Have a Blog Suggestion?

Would you be surprised to know I'm actually a pretty introverted person? Oh, on the keyboard and with a pen and paper I can talk your head off from the meeting point. But in person, I'm actually rather self conscious, reading the thoughts on your face and the inflection in your voice. My feelings are hurt easily (always have been!) and I so many times read into things that people never meant any harm by!

It's this reason that I love the blogging world so much:

1) I don't have to see your face as you read what I write, even if you think what I write is stupid. Unless you flat out tell me, I'll never have to know! (Most of you are nice enough that you don't do that--THANK YOU! I hate to cry!)

2) I get to socialize with so many other women & moms (except Wade! But he's awesome for being my only male blogger friend!) I look forward to my quiet nights post-bedtime when I can catch up with other women, read about their lives, and feel like I have more connections than I actually do in real life.

But guess what? I'm running out of blogs to read! For some reason, I can't even see the blogs of some of my "followers"/friends and I don't have hours to figure out why. Do you have a blog I don't know about? Do you know a super interesting blogger that I might enjoy reading?

Please make your recommendations or leave your link! This introverted mama needs more blogger buds!


  1. The ones in my blogroll to the right plus two private blogs...

  2. You don't know me, but I read your blog. I found you through Audrey. I think your little one is precious. We could be blog friends. Hee Hee

  3. Oh thanks Shannon! I'll be adding you to my google reader! Woo hoo!

  4. a few i like are:
    (i mainly just read peoples blog i know & all the "strangers" blogs i read are for decorating ideas)
    this is just before & after pictures of decor projects but she always features the cutest stuff.
    this girl has the cutest most creative house EVER and just finally got preg after 10 years of marriage. one of my favorites, she is sooo creative.
    this girl is very thrifty & comes up with tons of fun creative ideas to do very cheap with her 2 little boys.
    very cute decor projects

  5. Please tell me you read . She makes me laugh in every single post. I'm even going through her posts from years ago to read for entertainment.

  6. No suggestions here, but I enjoy reading your blog!

  7. Brittany--thanks for all those suggestions! I'm looking forward to naptime so I can browse them all! Awesome!

    Lori--I haven't heard of her, but I'm excited to read her stuff! I'm always up for a good dose of humor.

    Ginger--I thoroughly enjoy yours as well! You've been on my blogroll FOR-EVER!

  8. You might like I don't know her that well, but she went to school with us...

  9. I'm like your friend Brittany...most of the blogs I read are either people I know or craft/cooking blogs. Oh, and I straight up copied all those suggestions from your friends :) I'm always looking for great blogs to read! Hope you find what you're looking for! (BTW, I'm super introverted, too. Just ask Nicki. I've gotten a lot better since I met my husband, but he sometimes refers to my shyness around people as the "deer in the headlights" look. I completely understand where you're coming from, girl! The blog is my outlet!)

  10. Audra,
    I have been reading your blog for well over a year! You don't know me, but you and your sister are actually on my blog roll, well, because I "read" through google reader, but I feel my readers should know about your blog so you are on my blog roll. We can be blog buddies! Look through my blog roll and also go to the search link in your google reader and type in things you are interested in, that's how I have I found alot of the ones that I enjoy! Hopefully you will find more too read!!
    I am not the best at updating my blog I am always about a month behind!!

  11. Thanks guys! I've enjoyed looking over several new blogs! Daphne added one on my facebook post of this blog that I'm really liking. You crafty people will LOVE it:

    Careful: you'll be addicted!

  12. Hi Audra, you don't know me, and I don't know you... with the exception of finding your blog. My sister-in-law is Shannon Bankhead, so that's how I found you. (yes, I'm one of those who looks at my friends blog lists and check out those blogs!) I check out most of the same blogs you've already got. One that I enjoy for fun is

    Anyway- I enjoy reading your blog!

  13. Hi LaShay! I'm am so glad some of you people are coming out of hiding around here! So good to see you! I'll be checking your blog soon!

  14. Hey,
    My mom has one now. I helped her set it up b/c I'm her tech person. lol

  15. Thank you for your comment on my bog :) I appreciated your thoughts. It reminded me that God is also our Abba Father.

  16. It is the amusing information


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.