Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Drew's 2nd Birthday Bash

We had such a great time on Saturday. I tried to keep it somewhat simple when it came to "day of" activities, but fun overall! For lunch we had spaghetti, corn on the cob, green beans, and rolls; and for dessert we had peach pies and polka dot cupcakes (which I'm STILL eating...not good for the scales--or my thighs.). We visited, ate, watched Drew's 2 year video (coming SOON), had dessert, and opened gifts. It's safe to say Drew had a ball!

The morning of the party Andrew and Ms. Debbie took Drew to get a *much* needed haircut. So while they were busy lowering his ears, we got all the prep work done.

Papaw and Caroline hung out while we waited on the birthday boy and other guests to arrive. :)

Then Deda got her turn...

And the birthday boy finally arrived sporting his new haircut and shirt made by Mommy & Grammy!

Making a shirt like this IS really easy if you don't get Wonder Under all over your iron. If you were to do that, you might have to spend an hour scrubbing your iron with a vinegar soaked rag. I wouldn't advise that. Not that it happened to me, of course.

After being in the house 3 minutes, Drew had already torn down 2 balloons!

He really liked everyone singing for him. :)

And blowing out his two candles....

(Yes, laugh hard at the face I'm making. 50% of the pictures from the day include me making such types of faces. Apparently, I'm very animated with my child!)

He loved his cake, but mainly wanted the M&Ms off the top. Following last year's tradition, he kept himself fairly clean. Sweet boy. :) Then he gave Daddy a bite...

He opened so many wonderful gifts and was thrilled that most of them are for outside! These people must know my kid well. ;)

And this car has now driven around my house so many times I'm pretty sure it's going to wear a path in the carpet!

We are so thankful for such a sweet spirited, fun little boy! It was a fabulous day of celebration with family we love so much!

Check back soon for Drew's 2nd year video!


  1. Everything looked great! Cute party, cute boy (with cute shirt and hair cut) and even a cute bump for Mommy! Such a sweet family!

  2. The party decor looks so awesome! You did such a great job getting all working together! Happy Birthday sweet Drew :)


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.