Tuesday, June 1, 2010

IntelliGender Results!!

Early last week the Intelligender company contacted me about trying out their most famous product--their home gender determination test. I hadn't tried one of these with Drew, but I've known several friends who have. I went to the Intelligender website which was really informative and easy to manuver. One of the doctors commenting on the product even made the statement that this product isn't sold in India or China where gender selection is often performed. I had never considered the cons of such a product, but if it's that reliable, I thought, "Hey! Let's give it a try!"

Wanna know what it predicted we're having? Keep reading!

First of all, can we give them a round of applause for adorable presentation of this product?

Inside the orange box:

Inside the IntelliGender box was a plain cup, a syringe, and the cup which reveals your results. The nice part about this test was the syringe. I won't go into detail, but it kept things much cleaner than if you were to have to pour from one cup to another.

It was extremely easy to do and took no more than 2 minutes on my part. The hardest part was waiting the 10 minutes after you add the urine to the cup to see the results. Andrew even set a timer on my phone. Think he was anxious?

Andrew & I both think we're having a girl. After a little hesitation over the color of the results, we took the results to a well lit room to see that Intelligender said....

(Forgive the quality. I tried 40 times to get a clear shot. My crazy camera only gave me this!)

We're trying not to get our hopes up about either gender, but how fun would it be to get to buy pink and bows this time around?! We'll confirm with a sonogram on June 28th!

Stay tuned to see the ultrasound results.....


  1. Ahhh, you (and I) have to wait FOUR more weeks until you know for sure. I sure hope you have a girl! They're so much fun.

  2. Ohhh! I've been meaning to call you to hear about the test! I cannot wait to hear!!! :)

  3. ok. so now i know you & brittany have both done this test. if its right for ya'll, then i'm totally doing it when i have a 3rd one!! so fun!! i hope you have a girl too! they are WAY too much fun to dress up!!

    p.s. playdate. please!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.