Saturday, July 17, 2010

Minor Nursery Crisis (with inspiration pictures!)

Last night after I got my little Drew-man in bed, I was reading over emails. I had one from my weekly pregnancy thing. I clicked 5 weeks ahead to see what their little animated baby looked like at that point cause that's just around the corner. Then I saw the words, "Your due date is now only 13 weeks away!"

My eyes got bigger than my salad plates. (And I have big salad plates. Seriously, I do.) I don't know why I've felt zero urgency about getting ready for my sweet girl's arrival. I guess it seems as though fall and cool temperatures are FOREVER away. And if you live in the South and have stepped out of your air conditioned home this week, you know why November seems forever away. So it hit me...and I nearly had a panic attack. I jumped on craigslist, made a list of all the things that need to be completed and bought, and did a survey of 3 extremely cluttered closets that need to be dejunked in order to make room for baby and other important stuff (like those 10 egg wreaths I bought on super duper clearance last season). Then I called Andrew and went on a tangent about how behind we are with getting ready for this baby. When I stopped to take a breath he just sighed and said, " will all get done." Clearly, I worry enough for both of us!

So here's my list of what needs to be done ASAP:
1. Pick fabric for bedding, table cover & curtains
2. Determine amount of material needed
3. Consult with my mother in law about making them
4. Find a cute minky dot pink blanket to match bedding
5. Buy a toddler bed with mattress & boxsprings
6. Buy bed rails
7. Pray for my sanity as we switch Drew from a crib to a toddler bed soon
8. Buy items needed for wall decor, a hamper, curtain rod, and hangers
9. Pick a paint color based on fabric
10. Paint the room
11. Move Andrew's office back to our bedroom for the 3rd time since we've lived here
12. Declutter and organize closets
13. Go through newborn clothes to find gender neutral outfits. Buy clothes where needed.
14. Possibly paint dresser

Um....who wants to come do all this?! I know it really doesn't seem like that much, but it feels OVERWHELMING to me at this moment. I think one good day of choosing fabrics/paints, purchasing items, and planning will leave me feeling a lot better about the situation. *Deep breath....*

Here are a few photos of what we're looking at for bedding, idea wise. If you've seen these online you know most of us would have to sell a kidney to afford them. How hard can making a bedskirt be?! We'll be using our breathable bumper, buying a coordinating sheet, and adding a minky dot blanket to the mixture...

I love the tailored look of this bedskirt (and how cute are those fabric covered buttons?!), but I'm not sure it will show well with our crib...

But I simply love the fabric. I might even see if my grandmother would make a simple blanket out of one of the materials to pass down to Hannah...

A good idea of the girliness I'm going for, bedding wise.

I think a full skirt such as this might show up better, but I'm not crazy about the orange.

I loooove the paisley and stripes together. This is a definite possibility. Please be kind to me, JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby.


How cute would a valance like this be with a color coordinating panels behind them like this:

(of course the top contrasting fabric wouldn't be there, but the same patterned fabric used on the valance would be used at the bottom of the panel.) Oh, and we must add the light blocking blinds and fabric backing to the curtains. Darkness is key for naptime!

Thoughts? Advice? Criticisms? Okay...keep the criticisms to yourself if you're not a fan of pink and frilly! ;)

It's time to get a move-on!


  1. 1) You could totally make the crib skirt, sheets, and curtains (you've made curtains before....the crib sheets are the absolute easiest thing to make!!!!)

    2) I recommend putting those knob covers on the INSIDE of Drew's room when you move to a toddler bed! I sleep much easier knowing that Jessica is not roaming the house!!!!!

  2. Audra I would be more than glad to come help you anytime! Oh a tip I discovered once. You and get a bumper and take the stuffing out to make a valance (if you want a valance) And babies r us was having a sale this weekend. Not sure if they have anything sort of what your looking for. And Overstock has CHEAP bedding prices too! I will keep my eye on craigslist for ya!

  3. We weren't going to transition Cameron in a toddler bed until the late fall/early winter (our new baby isn't due till Jan- I think Kacie and I have the same due date!) but then he decided to climb out of his crib this week. I don't know if you or your hub or anyone else is handy with wood and tools, but I built Cameron a toddler bed in about 5 hours from plans from the Knock off Wood blog. The bed is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life, and it cost us about 50 dollars in lumber. Anyway, I'll have pics up on my blog in a few days if you want to see. =)
    PS- I'm pretty confident most toddler beds don't need box springs (the mattress just fits on top)- so you could cross that off your list! Good luck with the rest of it!

  4. i know how this feels, completely!!!

    i will go through Jovie's clothing. and whatever i can find that Hannah could wear (coordinating with the seasons) you are welcome to borrow. if you want. since Jovie was born in January & Hannah is due in November, then most stuff should work. just let me know if you want me to do that.

    i'm still trying to find fabric i like for Jovie's room. we haven't moved Jack out of the crib yet, so i have time. and money has been so tight. but i'm still searching!!

    p.s. i love the bedding options you have picked for her. adorable. and so girly!!!

  5. Audra it all looks so good! It is going to be such fun picking out all the materials! (keep that in mind;) Have you been to urban grace interiors blog? Her daughter is almost a year old, she talks about a bedskirt on there. It would help some. It's not a full turtorial though. I'm sure there are plenty out in blog land. Can't wait to see it all together!

  6. Please let me and Brylee know if you need our help! You've got a lot on your hands girly!

  7. Just thought I would let you know that I have 5 weeks left and am in a similar panic situation. We are moving all of our rooms around and nothing is near finished. I don't think this confession helps you in anyway except to let you know that you are not alone ;) Will let you know how Eleanor's transition from crib to bed goes. Hang in there!

  8. Dont fret...I still have all those things to do and am due a month before you...YIKES!!! I need to get on the ball...I take that back, we have picked out fabric for Preston's room. ok, YIKES!
    I the ideas you have picked out so far. So well planned and pretty!
    Let me know how the toddler bed goes. Kate has gotten out of the bed at our house and at my parents, so I am afraid I am going to have to move her sooner rather than later. Yuck.
    Ok, enough whining!

  9. Hi Audra. My name is Karen from
    I came across your blog via Courtneys
    congrads on your second preg.
    and dont panic.. all those things will come together in time..
    Well just wanted to stop in and introduce myself.. hope you will get a chance to stop by and visit me some time too.
    Beautiful family.. God Bless.

  10. Hey Audra.. so glad you stopped by to visit..and hey ,, any time you want to do a bible study on the beach,, Im There with
    please come by again sometime soon, and I will do the same.. have a geat weekend.. talk to you again soon.
    God Bless


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.