Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pregnancy Week 26

*Edited: This post was originally titled "Pregnancy Week 25." Did you catch the difference? Yeah...I was a week behind and didn't realize it until I saw it on the calender. When I say that this pregnancy is flying, I really mean it.*

Well, technically we're at 26 1/2 weeks. If you've been pregnant before, you know these "half weeks" may not mean a whole heck of a lot at this stage, but when you reach the END of this 9 month journey, every day counts. It counts for health of baby, weight gain, swelling, and inability to sleep. Those days count! So we'll count them now out of respect. ;)

What's going on? Well, these days every time I look at a food item, it automatically ups my weight. And probably the fact that I eat it has something to do with that as well. My appetite really caught up a few weeks ago and I'm making up for any lost appetite in that first trimester! No, seriously, I'm trying to not overdo it, but I do eat when I'm hungry. I'm very much of the idea that whomever came up with that "only eat an extra 100-300 calories a day" rule was either: 1) male or 2) a woman who'd never been pregnant. Seriously, how in the world do they know exactly how many extra calories I need to grow a lung? Or an arm? It's more than 300 calories a day; I guarantee you that! In the end, I'm right on track with my weight gain, and I'm good with that!

Little Hannah just moves and grooves each time I lie down, especially if I lie on my side. If I set an item on my stomach, she'll kick or punch it to make it giggle around. I love that! Sometimes the kicks and nudges actually tickle or startle me. I love this part of pregnancy.

Everything is going so well in this pregnancy. I'm beginning to feel myself sneaking into that third trimester, in terms of comfort though. I catch myself wanting to support my belly with my hands if I'm up too long to take the weight off my pelvis. Then other times my back will ache if I'm in a chair too long. I can't get quite as comfortable at night, but I'm still sleeping well 80% of the time. No, I'm not complaining! I'm just noticing these things as I'm moving forward in our 9 month journey. All a natural part of this pregnancy deal that I'm happy to experience. I have far too many friends who've experienced (and are still experiencing) difficulty in getting pregnant. I'm praying for you, friends, and remembering what a blessing it is to carry a child.

Heartwise, I GOT THE CLEAR FROM MY DOC FOR NO MEDS!!! Woo hoo!! I definitely showed lots of sinus tachycardia (high heart rate) on my monitor, but it's not going to require meds as long as I can control is by resting. No bed rest yet!!! Another HUGE relief as he'd warned me of this last time. So right now I'm on a "call if it gets a lot worse" basis. My next appointment is next week, and I can't believe it's already time for another visit. After this, I'll start going to see the OB every 2 weeks. How is that possible?! That just reminds me of how badly I need to get started on Hannah's room!

I'm still amazed sometimes that I'm about to have 2 kids, age 2 and under. Maybe amazed isn't the right word. "Scared to death" might better describe it at times! I know that God is going to carry us through this season that may be difficult and it will be worth the sleepless nights and tiring days. My journey to raise Godly boys and girls is worth far more than a few lost hours of sleep....someone just remind me of that from time to time, okay? ;)

I'm off to....well, to be honest, lie on the couch. Yep. Just gonna lie here and relax while the Drew-man sleeps! Hope y'all have a blessed day!


  1. yay! I can't believe you are that close to meeting little Hannah. It seems like just the other day you found out you were pregnant. I know you are so thankful to not have to be on bed rest or take medicines.

    Can't wait to see nursery pictures. I know it will be adorable.:)

  2. (reply to your comment)

    Haha! Yeah, I know I'm a terrible blogger! That is definitely one of the things I hope to get back into ASAP. My last day at work is FRIDAY!!!!
    If you really want to be caught up on my life, here ya go:
    -The boys are great! They'll turn 2 and 4 in November.
    -Grant and I are great too... super excited about this next chapter in our lives which involves not only my becoming a full time SAHM but also welcoming a new little one! (I'm 20 weeks and going for our big ultrasound tomorrow!!!)

    Also, I'm glad you got good reports and hope that your pregnancy continues to be healthy. Unfortunately, I can already identify with you on the periodically wanting to hold up the baby bump to get some muscle relief!

  3. Thanks for the update. So glad you had a good report. Keep up the good work (resting). I cannot believe 2 weeks start so soon. Miss you.

  4. Oh, how fun. Chloe was 18 months when John arrived on the scene. It is amazing to see how wonderful their relationship is (they're now 2 and 3) because they are so close in age!
    We're hoping the Lord blesses us with another soon. Change is always a little scary but you'll take it in stride I am sure.

    One piece of advice? Heap loads of grace on yourself during the end of your pregnancy and the transition period. :) Sometimes that is hard as wives as mothers for us to do but it is really important!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.