Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Update: Nursery Crib Skirt and Curtain (Opinions Needed...)

Two posts in one day?! Don't have a heart attack on me now! (But if you did, that would be a VALID excuse to call an ambulance...unlike my favorite patient who called one for bunion pain. *sigh* I digress...)

Hannah's room still looks like a guest room/office, but we're hoping to start slowly changing that this weekend. I only have 11 weeks left until my due date (yikes!), so I feel the pressure building to do something to her room. I guess this is just the life of child number 2. Drew's room was almost totally finished by this point, I believe. It doesn't even look like Hannah's expected based on the looks of her room!

I finished up her curtain tonight. Well, I might have finished up her curtain. That's where I need your opinion. Here's the curtain:

The look I'm wanting is to hang the curtain rod about six inches above the window and clip the rings on the BACK SIDE of the curtain, about two inches from the top. Does that make sense because I can't find the example picture I'm looking for. (Or maybe I just made that idea up...) Anywho...the bottom part will puddle in the floor. Not a TON like an ocean. Just a puddle. Here's my question...

Should I add another section of matching pink and trim at the bottom or leave it like it is?

(If you've NEVER IN YOUR LIFE commented on my boring blog before, today is a good day to start. And your comment doesn't even need an explanation. One small phrase will do--"add to it" or "leave it be!")

And here is the almost finished bedskirt. It lacks one row of pom poms on the end. I didn't buy enough the first go-around. Guess that's another good excuse to visit Hobby Lobby. Isn't their Christmas stuff out already? Yeah....

The walls are going to be a shade of pink, but not the same pink on the bedding. That'd be a little too loud for me. It's going to blend, but be toned down a lot.

Okay....opinions? Sound off!


  1. If you are puddling the material, then leave it be. Just my thought. Looks great already!

  2. totally agree with Kathryn!!!

  3. As the song goes...."Let it be, let it be. Oh, let it be, let it be. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be." Can you tell I need some sleep? :)

  4. girl. quit putting more work on yourself! let it be. it looks great!!!

  5. I think you're doing a wonderful job on her room, and the curtains are perfect just the way they are, no need for additions!

  6. The curtains are perfect how they are!! LOVE the fabric you chose (totally recognize it from HL!). So pretty and girly. Good luck with the rest....doesn't seem like you have that much more to do!

  7. I agree with the others- if you are letting it puddle, let it be!

  8. If it were hanging above the ground, I would say add the trim. But since it will be puddling, you wouldn't even see the trim well. So, leave it. You'd done a great job. Congratulations.

  9. Thank y'all for not making me do more work on these! It is decided: they remain as they are!

  10. Leave it. I love the bed skirt! The pom poms make it


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.