Thursday, September 9, 2010

30 Weeks

30 weeks down, 10 to go!

(Please note the fall wreath is out!)

Wow. That's a scary thought. 10 weeks to get her room organized, Drew's bed built, and both rooms & closets put together and organized. Whew!

So at 30 weeks I'm right on track with my weight gain (even though I took a "large jump" over the last month, per the doctor I had to see on my last visit. He was male. I'll leave it at that.) I'm sleeping pretty well at night (shockingly!), and don't really have time to think about much pregnancy related because I'm chasing Drew all day. It's true what they say about 2nd pregnancies going by more quickly than the first.

My tummy moves like lava sometimes, and I love watching/feeling the movements. I can feel distinct appendages being moved across my abdomen at times. While I was rocking Drew at naptime today I'm pretty sure he felt a hand run across his side. He looked at me funny as if to say, "How'd you do that?!" and thankfully went right back to sleep. Sibling rivalry has begun! Andrew jokingly said the other day that Hannah's gonna come out punching and kicking at Drew to get back at him for all the times he's elbowed and jabbed her in-utero! I've decided all that amniotic fluid is actually there for protection from older siblings more than anything else. Thank goodness for it!

Andrew is about to start building Drew's bed from Ana White's site. We've decided to paint it white, and I'm so excited for Andrew to get started on it! I got Drew's bedding at Target today and couldn't be more thrilled with it. He has polka dots on his wall with the main colors being blue, green, and white. This couldn't be more perfect!

So some progress is being made, but we have a LONG way to go. Stay tuned for Drew's first day of Thursday School (Mother's Day Out)!


  1. love that bedding. we're getting into 'big boy room' mode around here too. not nearly as close as you are to it though! the plan is to have him switched by his second birthday so we've got 6 months! good for you building a bed;)

  2. You look so good!!! Can't wait to see the rooms all fixed up. Let me know about the bed transition. We are thinking about it for Juliet.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.