Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Day of Thursday School (MDO)

Drew started his first day at Thursday School (another name for a Mother's Day Out program) at our church last week. See his new shoes? And his little back pack? Such a big boy.

I was pretty okay with leaving him there for just two hours until I took him to drop him off. I felt like dirt because he didn't know one single soul in a very crowded room. Two kids were wailing for their moms and poor Drew didn't want to get out of my arms. Our sweet church secretary who kept Drew in the nursery for the last 7-8 months saw him and took him from me so that at least he'd know her. He screamed for a minute and finally stopped. I have to admit--I teared up as I walked out. I was on the verge of really letting the water works start, but I ran into a friend and had to chat a minute. That helped. Whew.

Andrew and I went out during that 2 hours on a morning date. Hey, you take what you can get, right? It had been about 2 months since we'd been out together alone, so it was a nice change. We ate at IHOP for breakfast, then browsed Target. I thought about Drew the entire time, constantly bugging Andrew with the question, "Do you think he's okay? I hope he's not crying." We reassured ourselves he was just fine and having a ball.

11:00 rolled around and when I opened the door to the classroom hall I could hear my child screaming. "Mama!!!!! Mama!!!!" Y'all.....this mama's heart shattered onto the floor. A lady in the hall was trying to reassure me that it would be fine, but at that moment I really didn't want to hear it. I wanted to open the door and grab my child! If you don't have kids yet, just wait! Your day will come! They finally opened the door and poor Drew was covered in tears and snot. They said he did great up until those last 15 minutes. He was apparently done at that point.

Tough love. That's what I have to practice. I can see how Drew has come so far in the last few weeks since starting new classes at church, so I'm positive this is good for him. I'm going to participate in a Bible study for moms at the church from 10-11 on Thursdays from now on, so I'll feel better that I'm in the same building with him. We'll see how tomorrow goes. He needs the time with kids his age, and I need time in a Bible study making myself a better Christian, mom, and wife. I'm hopeful, but nervous. It's my motherly instinct to not want my child to experience any negative emotion. Does that ever go away?! Wish us luck tomorrow....


  1. i totally understand this sentiment. its so hard for me to drop Jack & Jovie off in the nursery b/c they have a hard time. especially Jack. he clings to me & just bursts into alligator tears when i pry him off me & leave the room. i hate that. i don't want him to be confused or scared but i understand its part of life. but i definitely want him to be able to have time with kids his own age. being a mom is so hard sometimes. seeing your baby like that is never fun!!

    enjoy your bible study! i have loved having that time each tuesday morning. its been so good for me!

  2. Bless your hearts! Drew looks like such a big boy:) You'll both do great tomorrow.

  3. Wow, Drew looks so old! Praying for y'all now. You're a great mommy!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.