Monday, October 25, 2010

Toddler Room/New Nursery

With Hannah's arrival being just around the corner (I'm full term this Thursday. Scream with me!), we've been busy making changes around the house.

First, we transitioned Drew to his big boy bed on Saturday night. I was so nervous and expected to be up half the night with him, convincing him to sleep on his newer, much softer mattress. He shocked us though! He's done great the last 2 naps and night times. I'm so proud! Speaking of proud, please look at the bed MY HUSBAND MADE!!!

Yes, he made this! He's never made a thing out of wood in his life until he attempted this bed. I told him he's getting an electric sander for Christmas so he can build me lots more beautiful pieces. ;) So proud of you, honey! Your hard work paid off!

After Andrew broke the crib down, he moved it into Hannah's room and set it up again. (I say we've done a lot of work, but it sounds like Andrew has done the majority, doesn't it?) Her room isn't nearly finished yet, but here's a sneak peak of what's going on...

Remember the bedskirt we made? It fits!

Dresser from Craigslist--$20!! A new coat of paint and shelf paper made it look brand new.

Shelf from Craigslist (same seller)--$20. Still needs to be decorated and last shelf put in place.

I still lack rehanging the curtain rod (it was too low), hanging the curtain, touching up the paint in a couple of spots, hanging the wall letters, filling/decorating the shelves, putting up wall decor and making a bow holder. Let's hope she holds out a little while longer before making her grand appearance.

Since getting these two major things accomplished, I feel SO much better. My anxiety level has decreased from a 9.9 to a 4. Just knowing both my babies have a place to sleep brings me peace! Stay tuned for more nursery updates....


  1. room is looking great! i finally put the dresser together today and put all his stuff in it. i feel somewhat ready now.
    he did an awesome job making the bed!

  2. both rooms look great. so glad that a few more things are off your checklist. she'll be here soon!

  3. Love both rooms! Glad Drew is doing well in his new bed, too.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.