Friday, July 8, 2011

The Beauty of Motherhood

Three years ago God changed my life. On July 9, 2008, he placed the most beautiful baby boy into my arms and changed the way I saw life, service, and sacrifice in relation to another human being. On that day God began showing me bits and pieces of his love for mankind. I learned that sleep wasn’t quite as necessary as I’d thought, that a mother’s love cannot be put into words, and that I would lay down my life without blinking for my offspring. And I learned all this on day 1!

Since then God has used this beautiful, fun, active, energetic, happy boy (and eventually his adorable baby sister) to show me his mission for my life. He has grown patience within me through tough times. Taught me grace, forgiveness, and understanding with my children, husband, and myself. He’s given me a deeper desire to lay my responsibilities as a mom at His feet through prayer. He’s put a seed in my heart to dig deeper into the role of motherhood and to cultivate those desires to become a better Christian wife and mom. And finally to let go of whatever control I thought I had and hand it over to Him. In the best way I know how at this stage in my life, I’ve given my children’s lives into His hands. Motherhood. It means so much more than feeding and teaching the kids. It has everything to do with my heart. My will to sacrifice self in order to surrender to God’s will. It has everything to do with God changing me to become a servant as Christ has already served me.

What a beautiful role, this role of motherhood. It is truly God’s greatest gift to women.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I wholeheartedly agree! Love you and that sweet 3 year old (and obviously Hannah & Andrew, too!)


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.