Monday, April 20, 2009

I Got A New Job!

I got a new job! I'm now officially a stay at home mom (SAHM)! I've now held the title for about 2 weeks, but I'm just getting around to posting it. I've been asked this question 1001 times: No, I'm not going to let my license expire. I'll be doing a few easy prn jobs (blood draws, shots) a couple times a month to keep my license up and put some extra dough in the bank account. Because let's face it...if my license expired and I were forced to resit for the NCLEX...well, let's just say another profession just might call my name! It was hard enough to pass that test the first time, straight out of school!

I'm loving being at home with Drew, organizing and cleaning and having dinner cooked when Andrew walks through the door. Yes, I was just working one day a week, but I truly enjoy not worrying about switching from nights to days, Andrew being home and trying to babysit one day a week while working, etc. I know SO, SO many women out there hold down a job AND train their children as well AND some even attend school! So please don't take this as me saying my working 1 day/week was hard. Not saying that! But life is a little easier and more organized at home now, and I'm living my dream job!!

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading Heart(h) Management's Series on "It's a Real Job!" For other moms out there who might be looking for Christian inspiration, check out her series!

Some days at home are tough, but I always try to keep these verses at the forefront of my mind:
- Colossians 3:23-24- Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

-Proverbs 22:6-Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

-Titus 2:4-5-Then [the older women] can teach the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

God gives all women different callings and abilities. I truly feel like after much prayerful consideration, that I am where he wants me at this time in my life. Thank you, God, for answered prayers and fulfilling the desires of our hearts!


  1. so. have i mentioned that i am insanely jealous of your new job?!!! i mean, i'm so thankful that i only work 2 days a week, babysitting, and jack gets to go with me. BUT i would much rather be home with him. i love not having to be somewhere and just getting to concentrate on being with jack everyday. my hubby and i are really struggling with me having to go back. i'll be going into keeping 3 kids total. age 2, 6 months (jack) and 3 months. i'm just going to be so tired. but we have no other choice right now. as long as my hubby is in school, getting his masters, i have to work. the little church we are at right now just doesn't pay enough for me to quit. but the husband graduates ( hopefully) in may 2010. so hopefully, i'll get to be a full time sahm once he gets a new job!! i'm just praying for strength to get through it. so sorry that i just wrote you a novel!! i'm sure the last thing you wanna do is listen to me gripe!! i just was needing to vent for a few!!!

    enjoy the job with drew!! i know he will really appreciate it when he grows up and realizes what you did for him!! i know i'm thankful to my mom!

  2. Congrats on your new chapter in life! :)

  3. Kelly & Hil-- thank you!

    Audrey- I know the shoes you walk in too well to explain! 3 kiddos is a lot! I know you're so thankful, though, for a husband who is so determined to better his education in order to provide for his family. God says sometimes we have to persevere, and with lots of trust and prayer, hopefully one year will fly by quickly! I always appreciate your honest comments. :) Little Jack is just so precious!

  4. Congrats Audra!

    I know that you are happy to be at home with Drew! You are exactly where God wants you.



I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.