Monday, April 20, 2009

It's Wummertime!

It's that time of year again. The time of year where you're fearing for your newly budded plants' lives one chilly night and sweating getting into your vehicle just hours later. Yep. It's spring in the southeast. You can't quite decide whether to put away the thin winter sweaters and break out the flip flops or hold onto them a while longer. I always end up layering most everything with some sort of jacket anyway since I'm pretty positive my body temperature runs lower than most.

The days are getting longer (Hallelujah!) which means evening walks (now with a stroller in tow), porch-side talks, and even ice cream stops! I love this time of year. My flowers are starting to put out, one by one. The grass is screaming to be cut just 7 days after last being trimmed. That probably has to do with the torrential rain we got this past weekend. My front yard had a creek running through it. Ah, just another facet of the southeast spring!

The only part of this I don't like? We usually get 1-2 weeks of weather that sticks around in the 70s (this year accompanied with rain--yuck), and then the temps skyrocket into the 80s and 90s within days. And with that comes 99.999% humidity. Every woman who steps out of her house has a bad hairday and everyone with asthma will have a harder time breathing.

And hence my conclusion: we really don't have such a thing as spring here in the southeast. It's more of a one month transition from winter to summer; we'll call it wummer. I mean, who really pictures 98 degree sweltering heat and humidity with spring? That's a summer attribute, if you ask me. So...I'm going to go enjoy the last few hours of wummer before summer kicks in on Wednesday with 80something degree weather and bad hair. But, hey! If I don't like it, I can always wait around for next week! Who knows--we could be back in the 40s with staticy hair!!

Ahhh southeast spring!

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I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.