Monday, June 29, 2009

He's Learning Fast!


  1. cute videos! he's such a little smarty pants!!!

  2. adorable! They do learn so fast at this stage. It's amazing!!! Everyday is so much fun. amy v.

  3. First of all, I'm impressed that you used Blogger to upload these videos! I couldn't stand the wait time so I used YouTube. Second, Drew is precious! I just want to eat him up! What a smart smart boy! :) Good job, Mom!

  4. He's doing so well w/ everything! I can't believe how well he's drinking from a sippy cup, too. It took Abigail FOREVER.

  5. @ Amanda--I think I'll try youtube again next time. It took FOREVER.

    @ Lori--I was really impressed with him taking to the sippy. He started with it over a month ago. The first time, he loved it. Loves drinking out of a sippy, straw, regular cup, etc.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.