Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kraft Coupon Booklet

If you're a couponer, you might wanna sign up to receive this booklet worth $55 in savings! You DO have to create a user account on their site (takes less than a minute), but for 55 dollars, it might be worth it!


  1. thanks. Are you doing the coupons on Kroger, cellfire, p&g, and you can just upload them directly to your card. I had one the worked with cvs but I can find the site. btw would you be interested in starting a coupon swap. I would to try and get a few people together to do it with.

  2. Yes! I actually uploaded all the new ones this morning. The idea of a coupon swap sounds good, but I don't think I'd be faithful with it! I don't actually clip my coupons (or even look at them!) until an hour before I go to the store.

    Have you looked on ebay for coupons? Super cheap and only the ones you need!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.