Saturday, August 29, 2009

Requirements: Full, Feathers, and Acorns

If you don't like posts about home decor, how tos, or wreaths, you might wanna skip on to your next favorite blog. If you especially don't like really full wreaths, definitely leave. Like now. Cause this post is about one totally full wreath.

Six years ago while in Starkville, MS (Go dawgs!), I attempted a fall wreath. It turned out like this:

You might hate it, but it suited my fancy for the past 6 years. However, for the last 2 years I've been craving a fall wreath with 3 things: fullness, big acorns, and feathers.

The Nester inspired me to give my creative energies an outlet, so I set out on a mission today to HL (Hobby Lobby. Which is not abbreviated HB.) I picked up a large grapevine wreath (already had a small one at home), decor pieces, upholstery tacks and ribbon. (Oh and fabric but that's another post.) The Nester advised layering the grapevine wreaths to create a fuller (is that a word?) wreath. Ahem, like so:

Lighting change! Flash vs. no flash. Anywhoo...I wired them together with floral wire.

Here's where I'm missing "a few" steps. Add stuff. Big acorns, feather, leaves, glittery fake berry things, whatever your little heart desires. Then you'll need some ribbon. At least 1 inch wide. The Nester posted on how to hang your wreath with ribbon a while back. I haven't gotten it hung yet, so we'll see how that goes tomorrow.

So ANYWAY...after you add all the fall stuff by just sticking it in (not hot glue requried!), follow Nester's steps for the ribbon. Here's my outcome...

So there it is. Fullness, big acorns, and feathers. All wrapped into one. You can't see my pretty burnt orange ribbon here, but you'll see it when I hang it on the door. Rest assured I will feel no shame in posting it after I'm finished.

Oh when am I putting it out? I thought I'd be civil and wait until Sept. 1, the month fall actually starts. But...nah. Why wait? August 30th sounds just as good!


  1. Very pretty! Do you think it costs more to make one than buy one? I've never tried making one before, but I may have to give it a whirl. I just wish HL wasn't closed on Sundays b/c that's when we are there for church!

  2. @Kacie--Thank you :)

    @Laura--HL had their wreaths half off this weekend so it may have been about the same or maybe even 5 dollars cheaper to buy an already made one. However, I really enjoy spending the time to make it. It was worth the 5 extra dollars. ;)Give it a whirl!

  3. Catching up on your blog... first, very cute wreath! Next, is it too soon for me to do a harder/easier list? Third, I am really impressed with your coupon deals, but where in the world do you keep 4 boxes of brownies, etc? I need a better pantry I think because I have no room to buy in bulk like that!

  4. Love the wreath! Very cute! I was at State 6 years ago too. Small world!!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.