Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sweet Caroline is Here!

What a whirlwind week. Last Monday evening around 7pm, we got the call from Kacie that her water had broken, but she was still at 3cm (like she had been for weeks). We rushed around, packing our bags, loading the truck, and trying to remember to take out the trash. Kacie told us to calm down because the doctor said it was going to be one long night. We took a little more time, loaded up, and headed out, hoping Drew would be asleep before we hit the interstate.

About an hour into the drive Kacie sent me a text. She was 6 centimeters now, and Caroline was descending into the birth canal. One long night, my foot! I was freaked out I might miss the big moment! Not only that, but Drew was SCREAMING from the backseat. He screamed. And screamed. And SCREAMED. We finally pulled over on the side of a country highway so I could attempt to console him. We lost 10 minutes, but it worked. Drew fell asleep for the last 30 minutes of the drive. Andrew dropped me off at the hospital right around 9pm. He made it back after he dropped Drew off at 11:50pm. Then Ms. Caroline was born less than 5 minutes later! She barely made it, but she was an August 31st baby!

(Pre pushing)

(Cutting the cord. She's already gaining independence!)

(Seeing the face of her sweet baby for the first time!)
Kacie called me back to the room to ask if I would take pictures of the delivery. What an honor. It is by far one of the top experiences in my lifetime. She let me count her through the contractions during labor. And I was there to hear Caroline's first glorious cry. See mommy's first tears upon meeting her baby girl. See them hold hands for the first time. The entire transition was just beautiful, and I was beyond honored to witness it.

(One proud Daddy)

Andrew and I had only planned on staying around for a day- two at the most. Well, things changed and we stayed a WEEK. With 2 changes of clothes! (So glad we took out that trash, left the dryer running, and turned on the dishwasher.) I got to spend lots of time with Kacie and Caroline in the hospital and at home. It was a strong reminder of just how hard those first days home with a baby can be!

Thank goodness for Andrew's mom. She washed our clothes multiple times, took care of Drew, let me borrow her car and fixed our meals. We couldn't have done it without her! During one day where Andrew was attempting to work from home and watch Drew (doesn't sound like it goes together, does it?), they locked themselves out of the house in the sweltering heat. Well...Andrew claims DREW locked them out. No, I'm serious. He really thinks that. They had to climb through a window to get back in! Fun times!!!

So now we're back home, and I'm reflecting on how awesome it is to be a mom! Isn't it the toughest job, but the most rewarding--all in the same package?

Oh, and just in case you feel the need to ask: I got slight baby fever, but not enough to make me want another one yet. After all, when Caroline got cranky, I just got to hand her to her mom. And then I got to sleep all through the night. I think I'll treasure that for just a little while longer. ;)

Click here for Judd, Kacie, and Caroline's blog.

“For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.” Psalm 139: 13-14


  1. she is just beautiful. i look forward to seeing her grow up. i think its safe to tell you since
    i don't think she reads your blog,
    I'm going to be an aunt. my sister that just got ma5rried in July, she's pregnant

  2. so glad you were there for them. such a blessing! caroline is precious. congrats!

  3. Congratulations, she is adorable!!! It makes me anxious for our little girl to arrive!


  4. I just saw this post for the first time. My, my. My little girl is so big now. This post was one of the "related" ones at the bottom of your most recent. It brings back lots of memories!

    Also, I didn't just want you there to take pictures. I wanted you there because you're special to me - and you want the people that are special to you around during your special moments. :) Love you!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.