Friday, September 25, 2009

Frugal Franny Here to Brag

Let me put on my bragging britches for just a minute to tell you that I saved $183.00 on my Kroger bill tonight! I bought food for our family and for our food pantry stocking at church on Sunday; I spent more out of pocket than normal, but I saved a ton!

And because I'm a true nerd....

My super long receipt with all my coupons listed in the middle!


  1. I love savings like that. Since moving we don't have a Kroger. But about a week ago I hit the clearance racks at Belk's and saved $136.00. I bought my nine year old daughter six shirts and a skirt for $26.00 As the saleslady said I got all of it for the original price of just one.

  2. Wow, Thena!!! That must have been a great clearance rack. I would have liked to have scoured it with you! Score for your daughter!

  3. WOW! My husband would love for you to teach me how to shop like that. All we have here is Wal-Mart and local grocery stores though. We use regular coupons, but they're not enough.

  4. That is impressive!!

    And, I love your shirt!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.