Friday, September 25, 2009

Pictures & More Video--Installment 502

I'm playing catch up for all those photos and videos of my child I've slacking on posting. To the're welcome. ;)

"Hello? Isn't it supposed to ring?"

He loves his mommy!!

I guess we're kinda redneck cause we let our kid run around in a diaper. Oh well! He's happier this way!


  1. Such an adorable guy and such a cute family!! I can't decide who Drew looks like...hmm. I can definitely see both mom & dad in him :)

  2. Those are so cute! btw...I have that shirt too!!!!

  3. I would love for Aiden to run around in a diaper....however, he pulls them off as soon as I put them on! Clothes are required so I am not cleaning up pee and poo all day!!! amy v

  4. So cute!! I'm assuming you don't let your child run loose barefoot, and only in a diaper in an airport, though. Cause I totally saw that last week- true story.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.