Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dallas--Day 2

Yesterday morning Drew and I had the hotel room all to ourselves for a lengthy 3 1/2 hours. We nearly drove each other nuts! And poor Drew--he was pretending to brush his teeth while I brushed mine and he slipped on the tile and hit his forhead on a piece of hotel furniture. He immediately had this huge gooseegg on his forehead. I noticed he had a little blood coming from his mouth. He wouldn't let me look to see, so I assumed he had just bitten his tongue or scratched himself with his toothbrush. 20 seconds later all the tears were gone and he was in a good mood again. While we love being here with Daddy and wouldn't want it any other way, we were more than ready for him to pick us up for lunch yesterday!

We battled the chilly day and ate Chick Fil A for lunch and then hit up Toys R Us. Since Drew and I would be in hotel confinement for several more hours upon our return, Andrew & I decided to try and find him a toy to play with. Do you know what we came back with? A vacuum with a detachable dust buster. This may only sound crazy to us because we just bought him a vacuum at home 2 weeks ago! But even though he already owns one 8 hours away, he pushed this one around the store and won our hearts over. He is now the proud owner of TWO vacuums.

When we got back to the hotel and Andrew headed back to his conference, I went to take the vacuum out and....needed a screwdriver just to get it out of the packaging! I guess Toys R Us is seriously protective of 18 dollar toys. So...we drove each other crazy some more.

Not long after that, Drew laughed with his mouth open and I noticed something looking really crazy on his left, bottom jaw. I can't even describe it except that it looked like he may have broken an uncut tooth in half and taken half his gums off. That's when I kinda freaked out. We know no doctors or pediatric dentists around here. I didn't know if I should call an urgent care facility or what! When we finally got a hold of Andrew he'd brought his boss, who is also an ER doctor, to see Drew. Thankfully, he said he thought it was just a large flap of his gums that had gotten pushed up. He said it should "flake off" soon. Ick. I was so relieved to hear it was just minor! Drew hasn't complained about it once! We headed back to the room to wait for Daddy for another few minutes.

It was about that time that I realized Drew had no pajamas for last night. Somehow in the rush of packing for TX, I layed out Drew's PJs and forgot to put them in the bag. What he's been sleeping in the past 2 nights got covered in chocolate milk yesterday morning to town we went! We ate at Outback where Drew acted as tired as he felt. However, he was still long enough to eat almost an entire loaf of brown bread! Then....Target! Oh, how I love me some Target. I found two lamps I really wanted, but Andrew insisted on pajamas instead. (Party pooper.) In the end, Drew got Christmas pajamas. I figured, "Hey! I'm all about celebrating Christmas early. Might as well start in October!" So last night he donned his Christmas pajamas for bed. Good thing 2 sets came on the hanger because his diaper leaked last night. That meant he was in the bed with us. Have mercy! I don't think a California King would be big enough for Drew and us!

1 comment:

  1. Hope his bobo gets better soon. Eli fell this past weekend and hit his lip on a chair rung. He actually pushed back two of his teeth just slightly. We took him to a pediatric dentist and he said it would be just fine and to not worry (but it took me a full hour to quit shaking after it happened!) These boys are going to make us go gray quickly, Audra! We need to become fast friends with Clairol I guess!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.