Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dallas- Day 3

Thankfully Drew slept in this morning until 9:30. Good thing since we were up from 5am-6am with one grouchy kid. We had muffins and juice in the hotel room, played with the vacuum (finally got a screwdriver!), and read books.

Drew started getting fussy so I decided he and I would get in the shower. Our hotel is awesome--but not kid friendly. We have one of those cool looking showers that has no door or curtain; it's only partially blocked to the rest of the room, so you can just step in and out freely.

(similar to this)

Drew was all over the "stepping in and out freely" part. I was so worried he was gonna bust his head-again! After we both got clean, I stepped out to dry off. When I turned around. my squeaky clean little boy was squatting....pooping right there in the shower floor. Ahhh! Yuck! I went to get a wad of toilet paper to clean it up. It took like 4 seconds. When I turned around, he was playing in it! I know, I know. TMI for most of you. He basically had to have another shower after that & I had to clean the poop deck.

It was so nice outside today so we eventually went out to the hotel pool. It was very relaxing & a nice change of scenery. My friend Hilary warned me that Texas always has a constant breeze, but I'd say it's more like strong winds! The wind blowing just never ends around here. It's pretty much useless to curl your hair unless you prefer it stuck in your lipstick from the wind!

Tonight we got to meet several of Andrew's coworkers, including 2 of his bosses. One of them was so sweet! He saw Drew in the lobby and got on his hands and knees and played with him! I was so thankful to this man for entertaining my bored child! Andrew & his coworkers went to eat and I made the decision to bring Drew back to the room; it was late, he hadn't eaten, and was getting really tired.

He's finally asleep now, and we're praying for no diaper leaks tonight! We're heading out in the morning around 10, hoping to make it back home before 9pm. I so look forward to my own bed and all of Drew's toys to occupy his time! Oh, and there's no doubt I'll be praying for a quiet ride home tomorrow! So long Dallas, TX!


  1. LOL on the poop!!! I think that is my life on a daily basis!!!!!!!! Jessica's 6 month long heat rash has led to lots of diaper free time which equals more opportunities for accidents and playing in those accidents!!!!

  2. Nice poop story! Good luck with that ride home.

  3. Cute post, had me laughing! wisemommies of, Saw you on WLW


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.