Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear Santa, Love Drew

I'm a planner by nature, so making my kid's Christmas wish list in October is right up my alley. He'll be 2 weeks shy of 18 months when Christmas rolls around, so I'm looking for toys in the 18-24+ month range. Any suggestions of toys you have for that age is greatly appreciated! So far we have:

Dusty the Vacuum Cleaner

or if I can find it, I'd prefer this one since it's more realistic...

iPlay Vacuum

Little Helper Broom & Dustpan

(Are you sensing a theme here? Little Man loves to help clean!)

Play kitchen and/or grill. Still haven't decided on a specific one yet. I want it to be: sturdy, durable enough to last through several kids, and have noises to make it realistic. I've read the Step 2 Deluxe is the best if more than one kid will ever use it.

(I'm also reading lots of reviews about Toys R Us giving a coupon out before Christmas for 20% any one item...Good thing!) Suggestions?

Play Food

Shape Sorter

Any small, play tent that can be "his" space. I think he would really love one!

Any other suggestions on things that hold your kids' attention span for more than 10 minutes? I'm all ears!!!


  1. That's mostly what we have thought of as well! However, I do have a couple other ideas. Dress-up clothes...Jessica loves playing dress-up....doesn't have to be anything special. A red bandanna works great! (Actually I am planning to have people bring dress up clothes for her birthday party to go in a big trunk --- that way no one has to stress about what to get her and they don't have to feel like they have to spend a lot either!)

    Jessica also likes the vintage Fisher Price Little People (they have lots of small pieces and that is the only thing she finds interesting). She is getting a new piece for her house in her stocking this year. Oh and art supplies are always fun!

  2. great post! i've been trying to think about toys that Jack would enjoy too. i might just copy your post idea!!! i hope drew gets everything that he asks santa for!! merry christmas ( a little early!!)

  3. Ooh, great idea! My kids pretty much have more toys than they'll ever need, but it doesn't hurt to throw some ideas out there :)

  4. Toys R Us does have 15% and 20% coupons sometimes, but they will also price match. If you find something cheaper at wal mart, print the website page, take it to Toys R Us and they will match it. Often it is better than a coupon. I haven't tried out the price matching and a coupon yet. I bet it would work!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.