Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ms. Priss Goes to the Pumpkin Patch...and takes her family with her

It's 12:07am and I have no clue as to why I'm sitting here with cats on my eyes, attempting to blog. I guess that will be my excuse if you find 20 grammatical errors in this post. ;)

Did anybody else get to pull out their long sleeves this last weekend? We had planned on going to a pumpkin patch with Andrew's mom which was located in Arkansas. Andrew's mom even made Drew an adorable pumpkin shirt for the occasion! We woke up Saturday morning around 8am, stopped for doughnuts (First ones we've eaten in over a year. Um, I had three. And I'm not ashamed.), and headed out on the 2 hour drive to a pumpkin patch.

So we got there, petted some stinky animals, rode around on little miniature tractors, and took the obligatory pictures. Drew had a grand time running amuck.

What a cutie!

Then his daddy wants to go and be the center of attention... ;)

Then we headed out past the donkeys and a pig to get on the biggest trailer I've ever seen sitting in the biggest pile of mud ever to ride to the pumpkin patch.

(Biggest trailer ever.)

Okay so we rode to the pumpkin patch. Does that sound weird to anyone else? All the pictures I'd ever seen of people taking their kids to the pumpkin patch consisted of kids sitting among piles of orange pumpkins placed conveniently next to the cash register. Not so in our situation! We headed out to the actual "patch" of pumpkins. And mud.

I clearly was not prepared to walk into the actual patch of muddy pumpkin fields since I had chosen to wear my brown suede flats. Instead of ruining my shoes, I opted to play the role of Mrs. Priss and keep my feet inside the trailer, taking pictures. Boy, was I a sight among all these other women! Let me break it down for you:

We're on this extremely long trailer full of hay being pulled by a tractor through the mud and muck. I so conveniently chose to sit right by the tires of the tractor. Three words: lotsa mud slingin'. My hair is blowing in my face and sticking in my lipstick while all these other country women had smartly chosen to ponytail it for the day. My sweater is just a little more than see through, and the wind riding down the highway doesn't make me much warmer. I'm really cold and shaking and am trying to wipe my kid's snotty nose on my new Gap sweater to keep it from being blown back into his hair. Andrew says rather loudly due to the engine noise, "Too bad it's not two weeks later! You would have been in luck 'cause I would have had my camouflage coat in the truck." "I don't think I would get that desperate!" I said, in hearing range of all the other country women on this trailer.

Then I took my cute brown suede shoes and shoved them down my throat.

They were all wearing camouflage. One lady was wearing a baby sling made of camouflage.

"Yeah, I only wouldn't wear it cause it wouldn't match these shoes, dear." Argh!

So then add to the fact that I didn't wanna get out in the mud to pick a pumpkin, and they really thought I was stuck up. Then it really didn't help that when I stayed in the trailer, I was "hollering" to my husband where the pretty white pumpkins were to pick for me like a little priss pot. Then I'd either yell to him that I liked it or hated it.

Trying to find the wife a suitable white pumpkin.

Sorry, ladies that I came off as a snob. I'm really not! So next year I think I'll just stick my hair in a ponytail and borrow the hub's camo to save myself the embarrassment.

Okay so ALL of that to say....we had a really good time overall! Drew had more fun than any of us, and really loved playing with his pumpkins. Here are all the pictures that couldn't fit into my crazy, snobby story:

This little guy was on clearance!

He doesn't think my joke is funny.

A fake picture of me looking warm and not snobby and my child's nose clean for 0.5 seconds.

Someone is impressed with pumpkins...

Daddy showing off Drew's new Mossy Oak camo boots from Uncle Austin!

Drew's scary face. :)

Overall a very good time at the pumpkin patch of 2009 with lots of lessons learned for mommy!


  1. LOL!!!

    This is SOOOO me! I would have just like you assuming all the pumpkins were laid out nicely in the grass! Who wants to romp through a field to get them???

  2. Ha! We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend too! They were lined up in nice rows...I think I'd like picking my own though. But it sounds like a situation i would find myself in. I packed tennis shoes in the car.

  3. Funny! Pretty sure I'd be doing the same thing. That sounds like the real-deal pumpkin patch. All the ones around here must me fakes.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.