Monday, October 26, 2009


I had been thinking lately that it was probably time to wean Drew. About 6 weeks or so ago I really thought it might be the last time I nursed him because he was really showing a lack of interest in nursing. So, that night I took it all in. I tried to take mental photos of exactly how sweet my precious boy looked as he nursed. I remembered nursing for the first time, at 1 week, at 8 weeks, at 6 months. How he would kick his feet around and smile while he nursed. Beautiful memories no one can take from me. I cried and prayed and thanked God for such a sweet blessing.

Weeks went by and Drew suddenly became very attached to nursing again right before bedtime. I began to think I might end up nursing a 125 lb. 9th grader if I didn't put an end to this. But how?! Nursing was our crutch; it made bedtime so easy!

Well, last week Drew cut 3 more teeth. And seriously 5 more are peeking through now. That's 11 teeth plus 5 coming in that were joining us in our nightly nursing sessions. Last Monday night I bit my lip through it. Tuesday night's nursing session lasted about 1.5 seconds--long enough for me to get well acquainted with each tooth. I unlatched him and that was it. No turning back! He hasn't fussed once and has gone down for naps and nighttime beautifully.

The last nursing session wasn't exactly as I had imagined, but it was time! Breastfeeding was so hard in the beginning. I wasn't sure I would make it to 6 months, let alone a year. But then it became second nature and that time was "our" time--one no would else could replace it. I'm so thankful God gave me the opportunity to nourish my sweet boy for the first 15 months of his life. It's been a beautiful process!

(Now please bear with me as my hormones are going nuts and I'm eating myself out of house & home!)


  1. *tear* I cannot believe how grown up our babies are getting

  2. good for you!! i was only able to nurse Jack for 7 months b/c i got pregnant again. but i'm looking forward to that sweet time with Jovie! it really is such a blessing to be able to nurse your baby!!

    i'm so glad he's weaned so well. now, go eat some chocolate!!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.