Thursday, March 11, 2010

Laney, Party of....3??

is about to become.....

Laney, party of 4!!!!

Our due date is November 18, 2010. I am only 4 weeks, 1 day along....with a LONG way to go.

We have prayed for this baby and are so, so thankful to the Lord that he's seen fit to grant us another one of his blessings to care for. What a privilege!

We plead for your prayers for a healthy, full term baby and a pregnancy with no complications. Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers on our behalf!


  1. Congrats!! They will be about the same distance apart Jessica and John are! I hope the pregnancy goes perfectly for you!

  2. That is exciting...congratulations!

  3. Congratulations, Audra! So happy for you!!

  4. Congrats! I hope everything goes well. I'm still trying to get in shape before I get pregnant again.

  5. Audra... so exciting! So so so happy for y'all!!!!

  6. so so fun! you will LOVE having 2 kids! its so much fun & such a blessing! i'm praying you have a healthy & wonderful pregnancy! it will go by so much faster than the first, b/c you will be so busy with Drew!

  7. excited for you & your family!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.