Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tough Boy!

The weather here yesterday was perfect! 72, sunny, and a light breeze. You know what else? No bugs flying in my face, mosquitoes biting me, or spiders jumping around my feet in the grass. Well, if they were there I didn't see them, and that's what matters.

Anywho...I took Drew outside and he had a ball--until he fell down. We got our first, scrapeS. We now have an abrasion to the forehead and nose, a scratched nose, and a scraped arm. He was a trooper though. Barely any tears. I told him he was my tough boy. I didn't get any pictures of the first fall. We were busy cuddling instead...and fixing chocolate milk. Chocolate milk fixes anything.

I'm really boring my kid. This is what he's resorted to for mealtime entertainment since he doesn't watch TV during mealtime:

Oh, and he's resourceful. This is what I found yesterday.

I'm so glad you noticed. Why, yes! That laundry basket is EMPTY! Now explain to me how less than 24 hours later, it's halfway full again. Takers to come do my laundry?

Well, the play screwdriver just ran out of batteries, and that might be cause for a little meltdown. Hope you all are enjoying some beautiful weather today. Open your windows and light a favorite candle--those are my plans!

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I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.