Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Answered Prayer

I have so much to catch up on in the blog world (I'll be the last person to post Easter pictures), but I wanted to send out an update on this second pregnancy. I have hesitated on posting this, but at this point, there are not too many negatives in sharing. There is, however, the positive effect of prayer--and that outweighs any amount of negatives in my book.

Remember the subchorionic hemorrhage I talked about a couple weeks ago? Well, Sunday night I started having some more spotting issues that were a lot different and much more concerning than previously talked about. It was to the point that I was certain we were having a miscarriage, and to say I was crushed....I really don't even have the words to describe it. Honestly, I don't want to think about those horrible feelings at that moment. I lay in the bathroom floor begging God to spare my sweet baby.

After I pulled myself together, I immediately got on Google that night to look up more information on my condition. Little did I know that these blood clots or "tears" which cause the bleeding, can get bigger and become more symptomatic. I guess I just assumed it would only decrease in size, not increase. I was reassured (and relieved and thankful) from the information I read that what was occurring was actually normal for my condition. Thank goodness for good friends and a loving husband that night.

I called the doctor the minute they opened the next morning. I was informed by the nurse that this indeed was totally normal. She spoke with the doctor who scheduled me for an ultrasound next Thursday to take a look at the hematoma (or blood clot) which is causing the symptoms. I guess they'll be looking to see if it's changed in size or shape and of course to check on baby. Then he gave orders for the dreaded word: bedrest.

Ack. Bedrest with a very active 21 month old is just about as close to impossible as you can get. I'm trying to take it as easy as possible and so far, so good.

Of course I'm a little anxious about the ultrasound next week. To tell you the truth, I wish it were this Thursday instead of a week from Thursday. But things are what they are, and I'm trying to wait with confidence. The Lord has given me a peace that can only come from Him. I feel safe in believing this baby is just fine and in the best hands possible--the Lord's.

Please continue to pray for us and the health of our growing child. We know that these prayers are being lifted up by God's most precious children, and we thank you!


  1. Ohh...hang in there. He is in control of it all. Praying for you and your family...

  2. Praying for you!! Love you and little bean!

  3. I just know that everything will be fine when you see the doctor. (but I'm with you....a week from Thursday must seem like forever)

  4. I am so glad that you posted this so that others can pray for you and your family. I can't wait to hear that your sweet baby is just fine :) Like Jackie said, He is in control! He has your family in his hands and His plans are to prosper us, not harm us :)

  5. Isn't it amazing how little time it takes you to become a mother? From the first knowledge that you are pregnant, it starts: the concern for their well-being, making decisions with the baby in mind instead of yourself, and indeed love for the tiny life inside you. Each child brings their own unique challenges that give God the opportunity to teach us more about who He is.....but it sure can be frustrating, worrisome, frightening, etc. along the way! Hang in there, and may God give you peace.

  6. Praying for you and your family!

  7. Honey, I love you and your baby inside. Pregnancy can teach us so much about our spiritual lives. I'm praying for your peace and baby's safety and for Drew to have a calm spirit.

  8. oh goodness. how scary. but please rest in the peace that He is already there. his peace is precious & i'm praying that you experience that as you wait for that thursday. hang in there friend. love you!

    p.s. if you want, i can come help you & jack & drew can play together. that way you can just lay on the couch!!

  9. Praying for the health and safety of your baby (and you!). Take it easy!!


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.