Thursday, April 1, 2010


Nothing makes me happier than to say we saw baby number 2's heartbeat today upon ultrasound! A strong 138 beats per minute!

I've been having some spotting which was of course concerning. Turns out I have a subchorionic hemorrhage which is really nothing to be concerned about. It should take care of itself by 12-14 weeks, per the ultrasound technician; all I have to do is take it easy and let my body do its thing.

Seeing that sweet baby's heartbeat was the best sound I've heard since Drew's first wail as he entered the outside world. This momma had major tears of joy!

Praise God for his ever-present, comforting hand! He is so good.


annabclark said...

I had the same thing (sub. hem.) when I was pregnant with Jackson. I know I was a little frightened when they said the name--sounds far more serious than it is! So thankful that your appointment went well.

Erin said...

Yay! God is good! Love you & will keep praying for you and sweet baby #2!

Kelly said...

So glad to hear about the good report and that sweet little heartbeat! Congratulations again!

Ben and Audrey said...

i LOVED hearing the heartbeat of both my babies. such a precious memory. ultrasounds are so fun. so glad everything is ok. i'll be praying for you!

Christy said...

I am so glad all is well!!

Laura said...

I'm praying all goes well with this pregnancy. Keep us in your prayers. We're still in the waiting game. But God is faithful and He will provide in His time!

sanjeet said...

-sounds far more serious than it is! So thankful that your appointment went well.
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