Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We Beat the Heat

This past weekend we visited the Delta to spend time with Andrew's mom. God blessed us with a little cooler temperatures (mid 90s instead of 100s!), so we could actually enjoy being outside. Thankfully, there are two sweet families nearby with pools so we took advantage of them (the pools, not the families) .

If Drew sprouts gills any day now, I will not be surprised. He jumped straight in the water over and over again. He went down the big slide. He floated on his back. You name it...he was there!

I would like to add that after an entire day of being outside with friends and family, we got home that night where Andrew said to me, "Please get that Oreo out of your teeth. It's been there all day and is really bugging me." If you blow this picture up largely enough, you will see the evidence that Andrew decided not to tell me about until it "bugged him" enough. Husband of the year--GONE! ;)

If a lack of pool toys is your problem, just add shoes. Instant fix.

While we were there I got Miss Hannah's crib skirt made with lots of help from Ms. Debbie. Woo hoo! I still need to work on the curtain which is going to take some time measuring and sewing...nothing too difficult I don't think. As soon as I charge my camera battery, I'll take a picture of the bedskirt and post it. I'm in love!

Since we got home, we've been doing a lot of this:

Lying around! I did finally get some housework done today with help from Drew. No, seriously, he did help me at times. I was surprised too. ;)

I have an appointment with my cardiologist this Thursday which I expect nothing to come of, but we shall see! I'm also hitting up a consignment sale on Thursday morning with my mom--super pumped about that! We're gonna need those newborn girl clothes since I can't borrow my niece's clothes....did you hear? They're having another girl!!! Sooo excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow--that was quite nice of andrew! i would have just died....

    yay for another niece! too bad you can't borrow those clothes but at least hannah will have a girl cousin super close in age. they will be life-long friends!

    can't wait to see the bedskirt.


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.