Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend Recap

We attended the wedding reception of our friends, Heather & Brad, last night. It was fun to dress up and see people with whom I used to work. Made me miss it....just for a minute. ;)

I've gained approximately 8-9 pounds so far during this pregnancy, and do you know where 90% of it has gone? It's all in my face. You lucky people who gain first in your thighs or rear or somewhere hideable!

I couldn't find one picture from last night that I was really happy with, so you got this one. I mean, it's not like I can crop out my face. I tried the "slimming tool" on, but it just made me look less pregnant....and my face stayed the same. *sigh* And when you take a picture next to someone who's tanner, thinner, and taller, the slimming tool just ain't gonna help you. Note to Heather...I'm not taking any more pictures with you. Ever. Or at least until you're pregnant and I'm not. ;)

I've been wanting to add scripture to our walls for the longest time. has a ton of cute (and very affordable) pieces, but I happened to run across one in Hobby Lobby 3 months ago when I had a 40% coupon and snatched it up. So after 3 months of sitting on my nightstand, begging me to forgo my fear that I'd mess up my wall, we finally put it up yesterday.

I LOVE IT! Get ready....we're about to have wall words every.where.

I'm actually considering one like this maybe for Hannah's room (only the script will be smooth and not grainy):

On totally unrelated news, IT IS HOT.

The heat index today is 113 with unbreathable air. Are any of you experiencing this as well?

I almost took one of those battery operated misting fans to church with me this morning because I resemble a sweating pig when I step foot out of the house.

Thanks to this weather, our little man has been spending a good bit of time in kiddie pools & sprinklers. He's not complaining!

Today I did four straight hours of cleaning. My dad asked me if I was that bored. I've never been so bored that I couldn't find something more fun to do than clean, so it must be hormones. I cleaned my washer and dryer, the return air vents, kitchen baseboards, kitchen chairs, and front of all my appliances. I even broke out an extended arm tool for my vacuum and got in the crevices of my laundry room. See? It wasn't everyday stuff.....seriously, return air vents?! Anywho--I feel better!

And that concludes our weekend, friends! Hope your time was as blessed as ours!


  1. Audra, you are so silly. You look FAB!! I will take pic beside you to make you feel better b/c I am flabby all over!!! Love the scripture on the wall, its one of my favs!

  2. I love the Scripture on your walls! So pretty! And you look like a beautiful pregnant woman... I don't know what you're talking about... if you don't mind my saying so. :)

    I just came over from Women Living Well.

  3. Audra, you look beautiful!!!!!! Really and truly. and yah for nesting!

  4. Hi, my name is Karen from
    I wanted stop by and introduce myself. I came along your blog and I truly enjoyed it.. and i will be back to visit again..
    Hope you get a chance to stop by me some time soon..
    God Bless you and your family.

  5. I'd love to fuck you're little boys ass while giving him a reach around and cumming in him


I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your encouraging words. May the Lord pour His blessings on you.