Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We're still alive

So there's a reason I haven't blogged in 9 days. My child is clingy! The only reason I'm blogging right now is because he's momentarily amused with his bouncer which is running out of batteries. Great! We've tried letting him cry for a while, but honestly, he screams! We let him cry (scream) for a while the other day and his voice was hoarse afterwards. Not trying that again! I look forward to Andrew getting home at night so I can have some "me" time, but that doesn't happen. It's not because Andrew doesn't try! God bless him, he tries! It's just that Drew wants me for some reason! So what happens is Andrew holds him while he screams for 20 minutes and I eat dinner. Then, I lay on the couch and nurse him until he falls asleep and I can enjoy an hour of television without interruption. Ah, the life of a mom with a little baby! It gets better though, right y'all? You keep telling me that!

My little stinker will be 11 weeks old tomorrow! Almost 3 months. Amazing! I look forward to seeing what all he will accomplish b/t months 3 and 4. I read that he'll start picking up stuff with his hands. First he has to discover that his hands are attached to his body. It's so funny. His crazy, spastic right arm will be flailing around nailing him in the face time and time again. When it finally stops, he looks around like "Hey! Who just hit me!?" Crazy boy!

There is so much news to tell, but I honestly can't remember much right now. Our good news is that he hardly ever pees out of his diapers anymore. Going up a size (even though he was 4 lbs UNDER the bigger diaper's weight limit) was our best move. He's only peed out once or twice in a week. Hallelujah! He loooves bathtime. He now makes a big mess when he is bathed with all his kicks and splashes. As for child takes 30 minute naps and is wide awake. He does this probably 4-5 times a day. It's not long, but it helps! As for the nights...we've had two nights in the last week of 6 hour stretches. I'm praying for more!

I work tonight, and for the first time, I'm looking forward to it. I need a break, even if it is to deal with whiny people! I just pray he doesn't scream all night for Andrew. If he does, I have a feeling my parents will be getting a visit tonight!

I have pictures, but no time to post now. My little one is letting me know that it's time to end this post and come play with him. Have a blessed day!

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