Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wedding Creativity

There are only so many things you can do at 3am by yourself quietly. So, between last night and tonight I've made Kacie's lingerie shower invites, printed the envelopes, and designed the timelines for Friday and Saturday before the "Big Day." My creativity gene only pokes his head out once in a blue moon, so I feel like I have bragging rights when I produce something cute. In transferring the files from a ppt to a jpeg, they lost some of their quality, so bear with me.

The handmade invitation with names changed to protect the innocent...

So the creativity gene has come and gone. Now for more vegging out in front of the couch watching Law and Order. :)

A special thanks to Erin for reading my blog and thinking I'm colorful. A huge CONGRATULATIONS to my special friend who celebrates 3 weeks of not smoking today! What an accomplishment! I love you. :)

Have a blessed rest of the week!

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