Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Colic Cure!

Does anyone out there still read this blog? Sorry for the lack of posting. It has been busy, to say the least! My sweet boy will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. I truly can't believe it's been a month since his birth, my surgery, etc. What a long way we've come already!

Let me just say: Save your money on the Colic Calm. It didn't work for us. We'll be returning it to get our money back with the satisfaction guarantee. However, Levsin is our new BFF. My mom talked to a doctor at her office who recommended this medication. His little girl had the same problem last year, they gave it to her, and it worked! As much as I have hated having to put medication down his throat, he's in SO much pain. He just pulls his legs up, stiffens his arms, pushes so hard his face turns almost purple and screams to the top of his lungs--all to let out one tiny poot. I agreed with my mom that if a medication would safely take him out of this pain, we should try it. The doctor gave us infant Levsin to give him every 8 to 12 hours. Wow. Today was the best day we've had since he was born, stomach wise. He didn't cry with his stomach ONCE. He slept longer & better and was happier and smiling while he was awake, as opposed to screaming & crying in pain. He can pass his gas without screaming. Hallelujah! His mother was about to go crazy.

Y'all, this mom this is HARD. Never did I expect it to be easy, but it's just challenging in ways I've never experienced. Not trying to scare new moms-to-be (Hilary!), but it's taken me to limits I had no idea I could reach! Sleep deprivation and hormones play a large role for sure! However, even in the hardest moments (crying WITH my son and husband at 1am) I wouldn't change a thing. I will say during a moment at home alone with my colicky son, I questioned my ability to be a mom. I had to put him down in the living room while he screamed and just walk to the other room and take a deep breath. But today as he smiled when I kissed his sweet cheeks, it melted my heart and made every second worth it!

I'm so thankful to have such an incredible family. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without my mom. I have gained a totally new respect for her as a mother herself. The sacrifices she made for us as children and continue to make for us now in so many ways speaks volumes for her character. Thank you, Mom. I love you dearly and only pray I can be as great of a mom as you are and continue to be! You have made these past 4 weeks so much easier on me.

My sister is here this week to help us out. And what a help she is! I got to take a shower before noon today and actually brush my teeth! Thanks, Kacie!

Our other news is that we're going to attempt to go to church this Sunday. I've so missed fellowshipping with everyone and worshiping on Sunday mornings. The pediatrician we originally went to only recommended keeping him inside 1-2 weeks. However, I know better as a nurse! I'm still going to keep him out of Target and Wal-Mart for several more weeks, but I think church is safe. I'm thinking I'll pump a bottle that morning since it's safe outside of the refrigerator for 4 hours, breastfeed him right before we leave, and give him the bottle during church if he gets hungry. Any other suggestions?

Alrighty, I'm going to take the rest of my free time to catch up on some laundry and having conversation that doesn't pertain to pee and feedings with my hubby. ;) Have a blessed night!

--A very blessed Mom


Hilary said...

Of course! I check it every day. Great post, but one problem...NO PICTURES! Even though you don't want to scare me, I'm not picturing the joy I once was...that's okay, I'm a realist thanks to my mom. On another note, I am SO SO SO SO SO SO GLAD that the meds are working. I know it is such a blessing. I'll store that one away for January. Miss you too. A visit is in the works!!

Audra Laney said...

Oh Hil! I truly hope I didn't bust your bubble. It was TRULY not my intention. He is worth every single second! I wouldn't change a thing. Being a mommy is my most favorite thing in the world! And the joy--oh, the joy! It's out of this world. The love you'll feel for your little one is something that's beyond comprehension until you hold him/her!

Kelly said...

Still reading! And I affirm, affirm, affirm you! I would bet money that just about every new mom has said almost all of the same things you wrote. I don't say that to minimize the feelings but to say that they are VERY normal.

Our bodies aren't meant to be sleep deprived like that, so it does CRAZY things to you (or it did to me). Plus, it's just a huge transition. I hope this doesn't make you feel worse, but I still have moments that I have to walk away and take a deep breath. That's a very good (and healthy) thing to do!

Hang in there!

And we took Tate to church at 3 or 4 weeks and just kept him in the carrier as much as possible. That seems to keep the "grabbers" away.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything is going better for you ! Sorry I haven't checked in on ya as much as I planned, life in general has been hectic ! Dr. Harper's children have both had some accidents in the past 2 weeks so we've been rescheduling ALOT of clinic. (no worries, both Jack and Hannah are fine).I got a call from Roz bragging about holding Drew today ! I was jealous ! LOL But its ok, 2 more weeks and I get my turn again !!!! See ya then ! If ya need me text me !

Amanda said...

Wilson's World is still reading and checking your blog daily. Love to see what is going on in your new life as a Mommy! I know it's going to be hard, but I can't wait...only 13 more weeks!

Audra Laney said...

-Kelly: Glad to know it's normal and I'm not the only one. I love your tip on the carrier at church. I'll be using that one tomorrow.

-Amanda: Yes, Roz got to hold him! Unfortunately he was kinda fussy cause it was feeding time!

-Amanda @ Wilson's World: I hope your last 13 weeks are going well! I promise you it comes so fast! You're going to love Mommyhood!

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