Shutterfly's selection of holiday cards is quite extensive this year! I was left feeling like it might not be 77 degrees outside when I finished browsing their site. It almost made me want to put my tree up. Seriously, you must go check out the extreme holiday greatness that is Shutterfly. I love all the elegance they've added to their cards this year. So classic and festive!
I'm quite excited about our holiday cards since they'll be debuting Hannah's photo and acting as Christmas cards. I've narrowed down my top 3 favorites:
1. Family Wall Red- the traditional red and green plus the monogram makes this a classic, which I love!
2. Elegant Cranberry Damask- is there anything better than red and damask? And I love that the picture takes up most of the room.
3. Sharing the Love Christmas This one may work best for including multiple pictures and adding some birth information. And I'm a fan of the brown with the reds and greens. :)
So head on over to Shutterfly to pick from their amazing selection of Christmas cards, religious Christmas cards, or with the new year coming up, check out their calenders!
A HUGE thanks to Shutterfly for such a terrific offer!

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