For those of you reading this who are thinking, "Well I was 3 cm for 5 weeks before I changed," I totally believe you, but would rather hear about that after I deliver. You I can remain optimistic right now and all. ;)
So the next appointment is set for next Thursday if she doesn't make her grand arrival before then. I made yet another "last minute needs" trip tonight to Target--you know, for butter, bread, bananas, eggs and the like. I hope it's the last time I make that run!
I want to add lastly that God has granted me such a sense of peace over this entire situation. I have total faith that Hannah will make her arrival at exactly the right time and that my God's hand is over this entire situation. I don't understand how some people live without this incredible peace found only in the Father. Praise God for that and thank you for those praying so diligently for our safe delivery!

Excited for you!
that is so exciting!!!
are you going to have another c-section or will your doc try to let you go VBAC?
yeah for you!! as of today (40 weeks) i'm still 1 cm but in one week i went from 0-70% effaced. so at least i've made some progress! we are giving him a little longer then gonna induce if he keeps being stubborn. :)
hope hannah comes soon!!!
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