For those of you not on facebook, I just wanted to let you know Hannah decided to make her appearance just hours after my last post. We had a successful VBAC! Praise God for answered prayers! She and I are doing great, Drew is a great big brother, and I'm remembering just how much I appreciate my sweet husband. Birth story and more pictures to come soon...
Hannah Katherine Laney
Born 11/14/10, Sunday
8 lbs. 6 oz.
21" long

Absolutely precious!! Love her sweet hair!! And your VBAC gives me hope :). While I've heard a scheduled c-section is better than pushing for 2-3 hours then having a section, I'd really like to try it naturally.
What a precious little sweetie pie. And so glad the VBAC for you was successful.
Congratulations! What a sweet little family you have. And I am very glad that you had a successful VBAC. For my next one I hope to try that too, so it's encouraging to hear success stories!
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